Chapter 5

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Laurențiu’s pov-

I heard a car roll into the garage and I was normally unbothered by it but something told be to get out of bed.

I took a quick shower and changed into a fitted T-shirt and some sweatpants. The rain was drumming a steady beat on the window and the sun was struggling to shine through the clouds.

I saw Calin exit his room a little before me and was heading toward the living room. “Hey you are up quite early.” He ruffled his dark brown hair and checked his phone.

“The rain woke me up I figured I could go get my run in before it gets hot. Want to go get something to eat?” Laurențiu nodded his head and they walked down the hall into the large living room.


Laurențiu stopped mid step at the end of the hall in front of his father’s office and placed a hand across Calin’s chest to keep him from continuing.

"What are-” Calin was hushed by Laurențiu and shrugged it off. Laurențiu slowly stepped around the corner and peeked through the window on the door.

There were three people in his father’s office, One male and two females. The two girls were wolves were no doubt but the male was a mortal.

They sat and talked about something but I couldn’t pick it up. When my father had his office built he put in special sound proofing not even a wandering wolf could hear what they were talking about.

The male was off to the side and the two girls sat together on the other. One of the girls with Long brown hair looked really scared and fiddled with her fingers.

Damn she was beautiful. Laurențiu was interrupted from his thoughts when Calin pulled his shoulder away from the door.

“Hey kind of starving here. What are you looking at?” Calin tried to get a glimpse of inside the office.

“Two new wolves talking to my dad. They look really tired and nervous. We should get going before they see us.”

The two boys walked through the living room and into another short hallway that led to the kitchen.

“good morning boys.” Chrissa said from behind the kitchen island. Laurențiu walked over and kissed his mom on the cheek.

“what are you two boys up to this morning?” Laurențiu looked in the pantry and took out a poptart and unwrapped it.

“Who was talking to dad in his office?” Chrissa looked up from her coffee. “I heard. They came wanting to talk to your dad, seemed urgent.

They didn't have an appointment but judging how he answered the door they looked to have known each other for quite some time.

However, While your father and I get to know them more they are going to have restricted access to the mansion and limited social interactions.

Bringing two unmated female wolves who don’t exactly have their bearings yet in the supernatural world would be a disaster to our pack and an added responsibility.

We don't want a rogue male wolf to be taken because he couldn’t pull his head out of his ass and realize his feelings don’t come first.”

Laurențiu coughed to hide his laugh.

The clock struck seven and the chime played. Laurențiu cleaned up his breakfast mess and headed outside for sparring.

“Ready to lose for the 5th time in a row this week Calin?”

Calin stopped and acted out his best confidence face. “Hey i’m letting you win. Although, you can’t beat me until we get to the sparring pad. Race you!”

Laurențiu took off in a dead sprint to the side of the property.

Calin and I have been best friends ever since we were little. Calin was always the goofball in the pair and I was the responsible one with the good looks and the good moves.

4/28/18 A/N There is a side chapter into laurențiu's point of view of seeing Jewel for the first time and into his daily life. I hoped you liked it and the next chapter will go back to Jewel and Rylie. Stay Tuned leave feedback in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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