The Past and Present

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The past......

I lay on the ground in my bedroom shivering as the A.C is turned up all the way. My punishment for not cleaning my parents rat filled bed room and their maggot filled kitchen. It's disgusting because they are pigs! 🐖 They never clean up and they make me do all the work until my hands are red raw and I am exhausted they blame me for never getting anything spotless when it is their fault because every second I clean up the create more mess until I almost collapse from lack of energy, food, water, sleep anything! I lay there lost in my own thoughts wishing I was anywhere else.

I jerked awake sweating and panting. I rubbed the sweat off my head. When I looked around someone was next to me I tried to reach into my power but I was so exhausted that I couldn't. It was Halle she pushed down on my shoulder gently, making me rest back into what I thought was a bed.
"Where am I?" I asked
"You are in the Zenzala forest our camp." Replies Halle
When I refused to lay back down into the bed She used her powers against me. She started using telepathy to talk to me in my mind she said "Calm down you need rest you are safe just listen to the soothing sound of my voice-" I cut her off "NO!" I said out loud "I want to get out of here I don't even know where I am!" Halle had to call in Kotryna to bind me down to my bed with vines so I wouldn't get up. Kotryna left me alone with Halle after that. "Calm down sleep tight my sweet little friend close your eyes don't worry I will be here when you wake up close your eyes go to sleep now harm will come to you when I am here... when I am here." Tears escaped my eyes as Halle started to sing to me (in her mind) the song that used to calm me down before my parents turned horrid and thought a child wasn't worth the trouble. It obviously worked because I started to feel myself drift into slumber as Halle placed a damp flannel on my fore head. I muttered a few words then I let exhaustion over come me. When I closed my eyes I started to see something something strange....

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