The Horrible Past

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I was in my garden I looked around the swing was broken. Check. The fences were not connected to the wall. Check. This was my home. In my hands I held a teddy bear it was white like a polar bear. Now I remember it. It was my teddy snowflake a polar bear. I hugged it tightly until my mum started walking towards me. I shakes with fear because in here hand was a hammer. God no! I know what happens when she has that hammer! I quickly got to my feet I tried to run indoors but in the door way was my father holding a beer can in one hand and a sledge hammer in the other. Snowflake fell out of my hands and on the floor. I walked back slowly only to bang into my mother with her hammer in her hand and my father banging his sledge hammer in his hands. I was shaking with fear as they stepped towards me. They stated only hitting my legs with the hammer and sledge hammer until they heard my bones crack. I screamed in pain as they wouldn't stop. After they were sure my legs were shattered they started hitting my feet and arms until they were shattered, then my hands, then finally my rib cage. By the end of this I was screaming in agony. This isn't real I thought but the truth is it is real. There was nothing I could do to stop them so I just payed there until they were sure they had beefed me senselessly. Tears trickled down my cheeks but they were red. Blood. My body was officially beaten. My mum returned to say one last thing
"You are a disgrace to our family name!" She woofed the smell of beer in my face as she said that.
"Now we are going to leave you here broken and bruised but if you manage to survive this we may give you another chance but that is very unlikely!" She laughed and coughed in my face as the speed of tears increased. I couldn't defeat them. This was my worst fear. My parents are my worst fear.

I lay there bleeding inside and out until my neighbour came home from work. Mr and Mrs Twinkle never knew why I always had black eyes and bruises and broken bones but this time they figured it out. They walked out to get some fresh air in their garden. Mrs twinkle gasped and put her hands over her mouth in horror,
"Honey!" She screamed "call the ambulance now!"
Her husband ran back into the house and called the ambulance.
"Don't worry dear." Mrs twinkle bellowed to me as she duck through our broken fence and checked my pulse "the ambulance will be here soon just stay with me!"
I couldn't do what she said I was so exhausted and tired that I had to close my eyes...


When I woke up I was in the ambulance no one was in here except me and the paramedics. Everywhere was yellow or white there was tubes connected to my arms and a mask in my face and brackets on my entire body.
"Viola can you hear me?" Asked the paramedic as she shined a light in my eyes.
I blinked a few times but that was just about it my eyes rolled back into my head. I heard the paramedic say
"We've lost her again hurry she needs surgery NOW!"
The ambulance suddenly sped up as I closed my eyes.

The next thing I knew is that I was in a hospital bed. *beep beep beep* went the heart monitor that was keeping track of my head which was very week this moment. I had an oxygen mask over my moth to keep me breathing and I had a patient gown on it was white and blue dotted. I looked left to see two empty chairs. Good I thought now my parents can't kill me in here I looked to my right and saw.... Halle!
She saw me look at her then rushed towards my side and clenched my hand in hers.
"God Viola what happened?" Halle asked.
I couldn't tell her he truth otherwise I would be killed and so would Halle and everyone in her family so I just said

"I can't remember it's all a blur one minute I was playing in my garden on the broken swing then the next thing I knew the entire tree fell on me."
I hoped she believed that I thought she was going to say tell me the truth but no..... she hugged me and I clenched her tight. I berried my head in her neck. With her I felt safe she is my best friend.....

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