Chapter 3- A new Zach Goode?

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Chapter 3- A New Zach Goode?

Cammie pov

"Well what is it?" I heard Bex say anxiously from outside the stall. When I refused to answer her question she pounded on the door with what seemed was all her strength. I'm actually surprised it didn't break, now that would be embarrassing. Maybe I should've brought Liz with me instead I thought as the pounding never ceased. I turned my gaze to the floor. I couldn't bear to look at the pregnancy test in front of me. 

If it was positive, I don’t know what I would do. Zach and I had a conversation when I first suspected I was pregnant. I didn't tell him of course, I was and still am nervous. He didn't want a child, he told me, at least not now. He didn't explain it anymore, but I knew it was about his childhood and his relationship with his parents, especially his dad. I know he talks with Townsend now and their trying to repair the relationship, but I respect his decisions. If it's positive I hope he doesn't me and the child. Sure I’ve known Zach for a long time but sometimes people do unexpected things when they hear something shocking. Zach isn't rash, but who knows what the future will hold. 

I took a deep breath, I have to do this, I thought. I looked down at the test in front of me. It's...........................positive!!! I dropped the test in shock, Bex taking this as her cue to practically break the door down. I couldn't think, I was speechless. I guess this is what it's like to be in shock. Bex being Bex snatched it from the floor and looked at it closely. Once seeing the result she dropped it and attacked me with a bear hug. Needless to say I was suffocating. Let me put it this way, imagine a bear hug, but 50 times tighter and replace the bear with an over-excited Bex. 

"You're going to be a mom!" she exclaimed screaming in my ear. And that was all it took for me to get out of my shock. "I'm going to be a mom!" I whispered, the words finally registering in my mind. I smiled and hugged Bex back. "I'm going to be a mom!" I yelled in her ear. She glared at me, but there's nothing in the world that can ruin my day. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. 

The rest of the day we spent shopping. We called Liz and Macey and told them the great news. My ears still hurt from all of Macey's squealing. And thanks to Macey's rich inheritance we were able to by almost all of the stuff in the baby stores. Everything was so cute and adorable. I couldn't wait for the baby to be born in 6 months meaning I was already 3 months pregnant. Liz did a test on me and we got the results pretty quickly. I still have no idea how I'm going to tell Zach. I only have a limited amount of time before my baby bump starts to show. I have to make this pan good (e). 

Now the question on my mind is to find a place to hide all of this stuff. Obviously I couldn't just stuff it in a random corner of the house, and if I ask Bex to do it, there’s a big chance he might see it. Damn Bex and Grant for owning like a thousand video game consuls. Maybe I should ask my mom to store it, Zach wouldn't go there willingly. Of course I would keep a small box that held a pacifier, it was all a part of the plan I just came up with. 

1 week later.................

"Do you even have a plan?" Macey asked flipping through a magazine dying of boredom or so she put it. I ignored her and continued to make the bed. "Of course she has a plan Mace, it's a long 50-step plan that would take ages before it's finally complete." Bex commented sarcastically. I turned pausing from my work only for a second to glare at them. My glare was effective seeing as how they couldn't stop laughing. "I have a plan" I tried to reassure them over their loud chuckles. I wish Liz was here to help, she would help me get them off my back. Why does she spend so much time in the lab? I asked myself. 

I sighed and straightened out the sheets to perfection. As soon as Macey opened her mouth to speak, (most likely to make another rude remark about my plan), my phone rang. I silently thanked whoever brought me out of this situation, even for a little while. I looked at the screen briefly before answering, it was Joe. I still haven’t told him or my mother yet, I wanted to tell Zach first so we can tell them together, and that is if he's fine with the face that I’m pregnant. But now that I think about it, it does sound- my thoughts were interrupted by my step-fathers voice. 

"Hello Cammie" he greeted. The girls looked at me as if to say 'who is it?". I mouthed Solomon before replying, "Hey is something wrong?" Macey went back to doing whatever she was doing still bored. Bex, on the other hand, leaned in closer anxious to hear our conversation. "No nothing’s wrong we just need you to do a quick recon mission for the CIA." How do you tell your step-father that you can't go on a mission for the CIA because you’re pregnant with his protégée’s unborn child? (And Liz helped me find out it was a boy by using some new advanced tech). Someone should really write a book on this. "Ummm......ummmm....I can't" I said after a long period of time. 

"Why?" he asked me suspicious. "I can't tell you know, give me a few hours" I told him quickly, hanging up before he could respond. I knew he would try to figure it out, which I exactly why I hung up. Time to put my plan into effect. 

I finally told the girls my plan, smirking at their awestruck faces. Yup, my plan was just that Goode. Of course Macey volunteered to do my outfit seeing as how I was planning to tell him in jeans and a sweater. So naturally in the end I was in a white dress that had pink roses on it (my favorite flower), pink stud earrings, white sandals and she curled my hair slightly at the bottom. And obviously I was wearing my wedding ring. I looked down at it and smiled. I remember telling him once that I wanted a simple wedding ring. I thought he forgot but when he proposed I was shocked to find a simple yet elegant ring. It only made that day even more special and romantic. 

Anyway the plan was already in effect. Zach 'mysteriously' got a call from the CIA saying he needed to report to D.C immediately for a mission. Liz sent him the direction to the fake mission as we were on our way to the same location. The key part of this plan was timing, we had to get there before Zach in order for this to turn out the way I wanted it. 

We arrived 10 minutes later thanks to Bex's speeding, seriously it was a miracle we weren't stopped by the cops. It wasn't even 2 minutes before we saw Zach wandering around looking confused at his phone. Nevertheless he kept walking closer in our direction. 

We were at the same place where Zach proposed to me, and this is going to be the place I tell him we're going to be a family. Bex stealthily walked behind him not making a single sound. She pulls out a blindfold from her pocket, just like he did to me on the day he asked my hand in marriage. She quickly put it on him and secured it so he had no idea what was going on. Zach stiffened and held his arms out in a defensive manner. 

"Who's there?" he asked in a brave (and quite loud voice). I moved closer to him, resting my hand on his shoulder, "It's me Zach" I informed him. He immediately relaxed to my touch. "Cammie why am I blindfolded?" he asked me in a very confused voice. It took all of my will power not to laugh and spoil the plan. 

"You'll see" I told him grabbing his arm and leading him to the gazebo that overlooked the small pond I remember fondly. I undid his blindfold slowly, my heart beat racing with anxiety and nervousness. He looked around, still confused. It was safe to assume he remembers this place as well as I did. "Gallagher Girl am I missing something?" I shook my head. "I have something important to tell you." 

He looked at me with anticipation, and worry. Zach wasn't the only one who’s scared of what will come next. I looked him in the eyes, placing my hands on my stomach before cracking a small smile (as well as a nervous chuckle), and saying "I'm pregnant." 

Zach looked at me in shock, and I couldn't decide if it was a good or bad thing. "You’re pregnant?" I nodded, my heart feeling like its running a marathon. What came next surprised me. He picked me up and spun me around! "We're going to be a family" To say my smile was wide would be a huge underestimate. "It's a boy" I felt like I could explode with happiness, it turns out there was nothing to be afraid of. 

He kissed me on the lips before pulling away just to say 3 words. "I love you" I kissed him back, “With all my heart". 

A/N: This one shot is over!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it, thank you to those who read it and voted!! Don't worry I'm going to make a spin-off of this one-shot about Zach and Cammie during their engagement with a Blackthorne and Gallagher competition. And look out for my new Zammie story that will be published soon, The Story of Us!

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