chapter 2-the wedding

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With all my heart

Bex, Liz and Macy's dress-



Abby's dress-

Chapter 2:The Wedding

I cannot believe this is happening! My mind still wrap around the fact that today is my wedding day.In only a few hours i would be Mrs. Zach Goode, and to be quiet honest i couldnt wait any longer.

We decided to have our wedding inside the newly built Gallagher Academy. This was more than a school to both of us. It was the place we first met officially, our first kiss, where we discovered our true feelings toward one another and we couldn't have picked a better place. Macey appointed herself as our wedding planner and we decided it was best not to question it. My mother was happy when we told them about the engagement. And Joe, he showed no emotion. He just looked Zach straight in the eye before saying in a threatening voice "If you hurt her I won't hesitate to kill you." I guess you can say he is a bit protective of me.

The process of getting ready was restless and quite boring. Macey attacked me with a curling iron. I'd be lying if i said it wasn't torture. But at the end it will all be worth it when i'll be with the love of my life.

At last it was time to walk down the aisle. Some people would get nervous at this point, but i couldn't even bear that thought. Zach and i have been there for each other ever since we first met. He helped me with his ups and downs while i did the same. As a couple we faced many obstacles, but our love was able to overcome it all. I ever doubted Zach was the one for me, he is perfect in everyway. I love all of his flaws and every effort he gives, and i would never want to change him.

"Its time" Bex said putting her hand on my shoulder. I turned my gaze from the window i was subconsciously starting at. If the fire hadn't happened this would have been our old dorm. Liz thought it would be nice to get ready in here because of the sentimental value, as always she was right. Changing the subject for a moment, Bex was my maid of honor, and iz and Macey were my bridesmaids. They were all dressed in a long strapless dark blue gown with a sweetheart neckline. My mother and Aunt Abby were clad in blue dresses. My mother was wearing a plain blue strapless dress while Abby wore a one-shoulder dress that was slightly lighter than everyone elses.

I took in a deep breath, i'm ready. I brushed invisible particles off my wedding gown. Macey insisted i wear it saying i looked drop-dead gorgeous, but i believed that the dress was stunning on its own. She kept saying that it would make Zach's mouth drop, but i doubted either of us cared. I would wear a barrel to marry him, as long as we would be with each other.

Anyway, saying my dress was beautiful was an understatement. I felt like i didn't deserve to be in a dress so good-looking. But when Macey wants something to happen, she is persistent. I'm not going into detail on what she did to get me to wear this dress, it would just scare the both of us.

The dress was a soft shade of white, more like a cream color. It was strapless and had a bow-like structure across the chest. The it flowed down in uneven ruffles to the floor elegantly. Even with my heels on it was still slightly long. Curse me average height.

"Are you ready?" my step-father asked breaking my out of my thoughts. I nodded eager for this moment. He held out his hand to take, and i accepted it gladly. Sure i wished it was my father giving me away but he is here with me, where he's always been, in my heart. "Getting cold feet?" he joked as we waited for our que. I glared at him playfully but responded saying "I've never been more sure about anything." He smirked (is that a Blackthorne thing or is it just me?). "I guess you're pretty confident" Before i had the chance to make a sarcastic comment, he became serious. "If he hurts you-" I cut him off, i heard this speech everyday since we announced the engagement. "I know, i know off with his head" He pat my head before saying "Thats my girl". Then we heard it, our que. Time to do this thing.

The second i walked into the grand hall my eyes automatically locked with his. Our eye contact never broke and i'm surprised i didn't trip from staring at my handsome husband. When we reached the altar before Joe let me go he whispered in my ear loud enough so only i could hear "Your father would be so proud" I smiled. "Thank you" I replied kissing him on the cheek. Zach grabbed my hands, his mesmerizing green eyes shining. He said "you look beautiful", before the ceremony began.

I'm going to skip the rest and go straight to the vows. "From the day I laid eyes on your there was something different. I wanted to know everything about you, and when I found out who you were, I knew I needed to protect you. And I failed and I could never forgive myself for that. I couldn't protect what I loved most in the world. You are my everything Cammie and I can't lose you again. I love you too much to let you go. And I would never stop loving you with all my heart." By the time he was finished I was already crying. Thank goodness for waterproof makeup. When he noticed I was crying he immediately reached out to brush away my tears. "Don't cry love" I nodded complying with his request and started my own vows.

"Nothing can take me away from you. I love you and if our love has proven anything its that it always pushes through time and time again. And the best part of my day is when i see you. Everything thing you do, your words, your actions are all it takes for me to fall for you all over again. I will never leave you side as i'm yours from now to all eternity." To say i smiled at him after would be the understatement of the century. I beamed up at him to see him smiling and not smirking for once in his life. When i looked closely at him i noticed tears in his eyes, threatening to spill any second. If i wasn't a highly trained to notice details like this i would've missed it.

"Do you Zachary Goode take Cameron Ann Morgan to be your wife?"Before he could even finish Zach cut him off. "I do" Then he turned to me "And do you Cameron-" Just like my awesome and eager husband i cut the guy off. I waited too long for this. "You may now kiss the bride"Zach didn't waste any time pulling me closer to him and locking me in a passionate kiss. Cheers erupted around us, but at the moment it was just me and him. When we pulled apart he looked me straight in the eye. "I love you Mrs Goode." I smirked, i guess he's rubbing off on me, "I love you too Mr Goode" Then we ran to the airport to catch our flight for our honeymoon in Rome, a special place for both of us.

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