Senior Year ^-^

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Knock, knock, knock!!!

“mmhhhh!!!” I groaned out from under my pillow.

“Get up, aria!!! now!!!”

“MMMHHHH!!!!” I growled as i peeked at the clock. 5:30 am. Great.

i tried to stand up as i got out of bed, but i fell painfully to the floor instead. Graceful, Aria.

“Aria, your brother is trying to sleep! cut the noise down, will ya!?” my mother screamed up at me. way to be a hypocrite mum.

i steadied myself as i climbed up from the floor. I stumbled across my room to my vanity . Yikes! my hairs’ a monsterous mess!! I will never take a shower at night again, that’s for sure. I grab a brush, tease the top of my hair, brush my bangs forward, then grab my straightener for the bottom. When i finish, i spray it all in place with hairspray. I grab a black V-neck teeshirt, blue jean skinnys with holes in the knees, and my black and white chucks. I apply my eyeliner and mascara, then some electric blue eyeshadow, and lip balm.

My mum yells up, “Aria! breakfast is ready!!!”

I messed up my covers on purpose to spite her, then walked through my door, and down the stairs.

My breakfast consisted of cereal, toast, and a large refillable cup for a mocha at Starbucks. I scarfed down my toast, then checked the time…6:40!!! school starts in ten minutes! I push my cereal away, grab my bag, and hop in my silver firebird. I start the car, and head to my best friend, Aubreys, house. Great. Another late first day of school. And its our senior year!!

I pull up to Aubreys’ house, as she races out the door in a white v-neck tee, Black skinnys, and purple chucks…her long, black, teased hair flying behind her. I laugh and tell her, “Starbucks timeee!!!”

She grins and says, “Another late day…bad way to start our Senior year…the year we’ve been waiting for since Freshman year.” silence. then a burst of laughter as I pull up to Starbucks and order us both a large Mocha Frappe. We speed away to school from there…exactly one minute late. We sprint inside in our girlish way of running, then into first period we go…History with Mrs. Urqhart.

We get a smirk from her as we sprint slower into her classroom, striaght to our seats…which, luckily, are right next to eachother.

We chugged our mochas down, and i let out one of my famous youd-think-i-was-a-man belch. I received some stares from our fellow Seniors, and i just grinned at them as Aubrey laughed her head off. She high-fived me, then class began.

As the day went on, it seemed to go even slower than the morning did. Aubrey was in my fifth period class, which is always fun when your best friends there with u through the boredom of Senior year, when you don’t get many “actual” classes. Just fillers.

Aubrey met me half way, and we walked towards Math with our favorite teacher: Mr. Byerly. As we walk down the hallway, we receive stares from the younger kids, and from fellow classmates. We have a word at our school that no one knows the actual meaning to, that they use to describe our “type” of people…”Emo”.

I glare at some of those people who’ve…enlightened us with their opinion of “normal”. Aubrey looks down at the ground, careful not to make eye contact with them. She chances a glance at me to see what im doing about it. She sees that im glaring at them with my head held high, and does the same, seeing as its safe to do it when I do it.

We enter B.’s classroom and take our seats in the first two desks in the front. We chatter until B comes in, and says something like, “Shut your faces.”

As the class dragged on, we eventually got to taking notes down about math stuff. A girl in the front on the opposite side of me passed a note to the girl opposite of her. B looked over at them and said, "Mr. Mills would not approve of your imbecilic note passing!"

I smiled down at my notes. She said, "whats 'imbecilic'?"

I chuckled and said, "Its another word for stupid." The class exploded into lughter as B said in his falsetto, "'whats "'imbecilic"'?''' I laughed, and she shot me a dirty look.

"Whats so funny, Freak?"she asked with a evil grin. I glared at her staring her down. She stood up walked over to the front of my desk, and said, "Whatre you gonna do about it, Bitch?"

I smiled as nice as i could and said, "its people like you that embarrass the school when you dont even know a word like 'imbecilic'." I stood up. She looked furious, so B backed up so we could have some space. I couls feel the entire classes' eyes staring at us, deciding who would win out of the two of us. Aubrey was smiling over at me, as i tried to keep my straight face. She swung finally, as i lunged my torso and head back, dodging her claws as she made a failed grab towards my hair. No one but me touches my hair. I straightened back up, glared at her for a moment, then swung my fist as hard as i could. my fist connected with her face and hit her nose, causing it to gush blood. I broke her nose. I looked at B and he was pretending to do paperwork. I looked back at the girl as she held the bridge of her nose. i said to her, "You ran into a door because you werent paying attention to where you were going. you didnt try to pull out someones hair from their scalp, and no one punched you in the face. If you tell anyone the truth or have your buddies tell anyone for you, i will kick you and your stupid bobble-headed friends' asses up and down the block. Got it?"

I sat back down in my seat, and she asked B if she could go to the office. B looked up at her and placed shock on his face as he asked what happened. She looked over at me, then back to B, and said that she ran into a door earlier while she was texting.

She got dismissed to go to the office, as B got up to finish telling us about our notes. Today sucks so far. Lets hope it gets better.

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