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Dressed in casual clothes, Hyunjin and Minho were now on the road, going to Hyunjin don't know where, inside Minho's car.

He already recovered so Chan let him drive.

"Where's Chan hyung?" Hyunjin spoke up after five minutes of comfortable silence -except for the sound of the radio.

Minho replied that Chan had something to do before he met up with them and Hyunjin nodded, too tired question further.

He looked outside the window, at the small and tall buildings that they passed by, the fancy and old school cars, the people walking alone, in pairs and groups, children cycling at the park and the sign boards that said no littering, advertisement boards

Hyunjin turned towards Minho so quick, it startled the older.


"Lower it down, megaphone," winced Minho and glared at the boy sitting at the passenger's seat.

"Seungminie is fine. We're here because of someone else - a friend of Chan hyung and mine was admitted here few days ago. I haven't visit him because somebody prevent me."

Hyunjin exhaled in relief and nodded at the information and ignored the irritated tone Minho used when he said the last sentence.

Sigh, his heart was about to explode because of how scared he was if Seungmin were to be admitted in the hospital without him knowing about it.

"Do I know him? Is he from SKIZE too?" Asked Hyunjin, now recalling the faces of students that he knew back then.

Minho shook his head and explained that their friend was home-schooled and they knew him through Changbin - also a part of the student council.

Yeah, Chan and Minho had lots of friends like Mark from the cafe and Minho seemed to be friends with Rose too.

"You remember Changbin?"

The younger frowned, "I'm not sure if the face in my mind is the Changbin."

"If it has pizza shaped face, long nose, glaring eyes, small lips and always looks so done, then he is Changbin," Minho shrugged as he reversed the car into a parking lot.

Hyunjin nodded and said he probably got the right person in his mind.

As they got out of the car and started walking towards the hospital, Hyunjin asked if Seungmin knew Changbin too and that was the reason Seungmin was here.

"He probably does but I don't think he remembers," Minho said while pressing the elevator button. "And he's here because he had an appointment earlier and Chan hyung went with him."

"I'm not sure if Chan hyung is here though," frowned Minho as he and Hyunjin stepped into the elevator.

Hearing what Minho had said made Hyunjin's heart clenched in pain and filled with guilt.

Seungmin had an appointment? He didn't know about this and he was supposed to accompany Seungmin and helped him to get better, to learn what he was supposed to do with the sickness but here he was avoiding the younger.

"Hey, Changbin," he heard Minho said.

He looked around and they were in a room with a hospital bed, a sofa for two, a chair, a cabinet and a small table.

When did they walk here?

"Oh, Minho hyung, hey," Changbin greeted back and fist bumped the older before turning to a dazed Hyunjin.

"So, you're Hyunjin, right?"

"O-oh, yes, that's me..."

Changbin looked at him weirdly but nodded anyway and introduced himself.

"Where's the rascal?" Minho asked as he looked at the empty bed and back to Changbin.

The other said that the younger was taken by the doctor to do some further check ups and he'll be back soon. Minho nodded at this before asking the reason for Jisung not wanting to eat.

Hyunjin just stayed quiet and listened to the exchange between the two seniors. Changbin was pretty worried but he didn't seem to be so worked up. He can't the same for Minho though.

"It's the time of the year. I know it's not new and I should understand but I can't help but to still be worried," Changbin sighed.

Ah, is.., Minho thought.

"Yeah, it's not new but that kid needs to stop neglecting himself! It's been what? Four-five years already and he's still getting his ass in this damn hospital!"

Hyunjin watched as Minho covered his face with both of his hands as he seated himself beside Hyunjin on the sofa. He could feel the tension from the older.

Shaking his head, Changbin just told Minho to relax before he excused himself to go to the toilet.

"Are you okay, hyung?" Hyunjin quietly asked once Changbin left the room.

Minho sighed, "Can alone? Just for a while."

The younger nodded and stood up after pulling out his phone. He dialed Chan's number and waited for the other to pick up while walking out of the room.

After three rings, Chan picked up and asked what he needed.

"Oh, I'm fine, hyung," he answered. "But Minho hyung.."

"I'll be there in ten. I'm already by the traffic light," Chan said and Hyunjin nodded.

He sighed, "Okay. I'm hanging-"

"Wait- Hyunjin!" Chan suddenly exclaimed and Hyunjin hummed in shock at the sudden call.

"Fetch Seungminie from the next building at the second floor. He'll be done in a few and I'm still at the junction and I have to check on Minho-"

Hyunjin smiled and hummed again, "Okay, hyung. Just drive safe and take care of Minho hyung. Leave Seungminie to me."

"Glad you're okay, mate," Chan chuckled.

Laughing lightly, both of them finally ended the call. Hyunjin put away his phone and glanced at the door behind him before walking away to get his best friend.

He's not scared of the possibility that his father's servants would be here since he trusted his hyungs. But if they did come here, then Hyunjin won't let them get to Seungmin.

A sigh left his dried lips.

I miss him.

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