- Chapter 6 -

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Mr. Hearst did not remove his shirt as he moved to the side. With a small flick of his head he tossed his unruly hair from his face, and with one mischievous glance back at me, he lowered himself over the desk.

The sight of such a man lowering himself before me, prone and waiting for my stinging ministrations just really did it for me. I was all tingles from head to foot. There was just one thing missing.

"I would prefer that you at least lower your trousers, Mr. Hearst," I said, letting the cane swing through the air with a beautiful swish that would send most men trembling. Mr. Hearst did not so much as twitch. I dearly wanted to see his flesh turn beautifully crimson. I simply couldn't resist it.

The smile that spread his mouth was not as cocky as the grins he'd shown before. There was a coldness to the expression. "I'm afraid that is one limit I shall not be passing, Miss. You'll have to make due as I am."

I giggled, came up beside him and leaned upon the desk. There was a softness to the curve of his neck that made me want to caress my fingers along it, grasp his throat and run my nails along his flesh. "Are you afraid, Mr. Hearst?"

He glanced up at me, with a gleam in his eye that sent a bolt of excitement through me. "I have seen far more frightening things than you. You will have a hard time frightening me."

That was a challenge I would accept. I stepped back, where my aim was perfect and I could swing freely. If he thought I was going to go easy on him for fear of how it would come back when it was my turn, he was sorely mistaken.

"I'm curious, Doctor Hearst," I said musingly. "As a scholar of the human psyche, what do you make of such perversion? Surely it's unnatural for us to seek pain as a way of pleasure, would you not agree?"

I did not give him a moment to respond. I whipped down the cane with a satisfying smack against his trousers. He made a sound, but it was a sniff of amusement not of pain.

Make him bleeeeeed like a piiiiiiig...

I shuddered. I had almost become used to the head silence.

"I disagree with many of my colleagues in regards to such a question," he said, as I paced and prepared my next strike, even as I listened eagerly. "They do indeed see it as unnatural. A maladious misunderstanding of sexual pleasure at its core, mistakenly attributing it to subjugation. I see something quite different."

Thwip! The cane made contact once more, and I put my arm into it. He stiffened, but there was no moan I so desperately wanted, no sigh of resigned submission. "And what do you see then, Mr. Hearst?"

"I see a great catharsis in relinquishing control, or being given control," he said. "Additionally, it would seem that the application of pain in a controlled environment can lead to an affect not unlike that of opium or alcohol. I have hypothesized it may be a result of adrenal gland secretion and the absorption of such chemicals throughout the body-"

Thwip! His fingers stretched and then tightly clenched, so I gave him another in rapid succession. That got a hiss out of him. I could not help but smile. There was indeed a catharsis in merely the act of him giving me control.

"So you don't find it unnatural?" I said. "You don't find it somehow contrary to God?"

"Quite the opposite," he said. "I believe it may have therapeutic use. Additionally, I don't take stock in God. So I care little for what may be contrary to his mythology."

I nearly dropped the cane. I had never heard someone so blatantly deny the existence of God. I had not expected it, given the vast amount of religious literature he had here. My confusion stilled my tongue, so instead I laid into whipping him more viciously than before. The last thing I expected was to hear that devilish chuckle of his.

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