- Chapter 47 -

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My Dearest Amma,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I miss your presence every day. I understand now - too well, in fact - why you tried to dissuade me from striking out on my own rather than accompanying you to London. I miss your wisdom, and your guidance. Particularly now.

I write to you now in search of both those things. Perhaps you have already had glimpses, an inkling of what has occured. I believe last I wrote you, I told you that Alexander Iscariot and I were facing an influx of Upper Echelon beings. I never would have thought I would be called upon by the Catholic Church: but so many times did Alex have his hands full that they did, indeed, call upon me. It gave me more than one laugh at their expense, to see the Catholics call upon a Pagan.

Unfortunately, I do not write now in jest, to make light of such extreme circumstances. I have come upon a young woman who needs our help. Her name is Samara Garfield. She has scars like my own, and I have a great suspicion that they were given to her by the same man who saw to mother's demise. But unlike my scars, that have damned me to a sold soul, hers have infested her with a Legion. I do not write this lightly Amma, but never have I encountered beings of such power - and so many within her. It is far beyond my comprehension that she has survived with her sanity and sense of self intact. It is a wonder beyond words. She is a strong and capable woman - fierce in her resolve, but soft in heart. Her fierceness puts me so in mind of yourself, and mother.

Samara is prepared to fight, but I cannot defeat these beings alone. The marks she bears has made her a gateway; for every demon I defeat, another will take its place in time, of that I am certain. Powerful beings move through her, Amma. I need your strength. I am still studying these marks of hers, and I hope to find their true purpose soon. Why would one make a human being into a gate to the beyond? Why would one seek to unleash such chaos? It is the same questions I have of mother's death. I feel I'm closer now - closer than ever to knowing why.

I write to you in the humble hope that you will help me. I feel with our strength in unison, we can yet save this woman, and close the gate that has been opened in her. Please write to me at your earliest convenience. Time is of the essence, Amma. Samara is fierce, yes - but she bombarded by powers I fear are far fiercer than she.

I look forward to hearing from you. Merely telling you of it makes me feel more at ease.

I send you all my love,



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