Chapter 2

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Sophia's POV

Song for this chapter:
Demi Lovato - Heart Attack

I am awaken by my little brother Shane jumping and screaming on me and asking me if I can make him breakfast. What I don't understand is why out of all people in this house he asked me.

My sister is next door and my mother and father are down the hall. Shane acts like I'm the only one in this house who knows how to work a stove. Even though Alexis burns everything she trys to cook, my mom doesn't add enough season, and my father can't make anything but grilled cheese.

"Your so annoying, why won't you ask mom or Alexis to make you breakfast. " I groan putting the pillow over my face to block the voice of my 5 year old brother, who I will kill if he doesn't stop screaming and jumping on me.

"They don't make it as good as you. " He says trying to kiss up to me. He thinks that if he compliants me I'll make him breakfast. I push he aside so I can get up. I grab my phone and walk downstairs.

"What do you want to eat. " I ask Shane harshly. I don't mean to harsh to my little brother but try being woken up from a child bouncing on you and screaming in you ear, you would be the same way I am.

"Umm pancakes and sausage. " he answers hungrily and I grab the ingredients out of the refrigerator. Then I suddenly realize that I wake something different for breakfast.

" How about waffles and bacon." I try to convince him to want what I want, but it doesn't work when his response is.

" Why would you ask me what I want if your gonna just make whatever you want." He rolled his blue eyes. He voice laced with annoyance.

"You know you got a lot of mouth for a 5 year old. " I snap turning around to face him. His blue eyes starring right into mine.

" Your making pancakes and sausage." He argued spamming his hands on the kitchen table. I bet the palm of his hands are beat red. He hit a stone glass marble table, he can act as if they didn't hurt.

" Waffles and Bacon." I retaliate. Who in their right mind would pick pancakes and sausage over waffles and bacon. Waffles are delicious. Bacon is everyone's best friend.

"Pancakes and Sausage." He shouts and for a five year old it was pretty loud so I give up. I'm making pancakes and bacon. He must be crazy if he thinks I'm not going to make one of the two. As I'm cooking our food my phone vibrates and reads

Shawn : Can I come over & Good Morning. I smile at his sweet text and replied

Me: Sure and Good Morning x

I make me and Shane plates. When ended up having pancakes with bacon. Shane was pretty pissed but he'll get over it. I put Alexis's and my parents plate away so they won't complain about me only making breakfast for Shane and I. My mom might also complain about me cooking without her knowing she acts like I'm a little kid. She thinks that I might catch the house on fire.

I ran up stairs to my room. I took a quick shower and throw on a a cute yellow crop top that I got from Urban Outfitters. I wore a pair of denim shorts and had my black vans to set it off. I do my makeup, lightly. I p

As soon as I got done it was a knock on the door and I walked to the door and I see Shawn leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face. He is wearing a plain white fitted shirt and blue jeans with a pair of white universe converse.

" Hey come in ." I say and walk up stairs to the game room, not to just play games but that's the only place where it's private. My room is private but everyone will assume the worst also because I'm only 14, don't want him to get the wrong picture.

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