✔️ Chapter 4 ✔️

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-Back to the Winx-

Bloom POV
Carrying Flora in my arms, the Winx and I made a mad dash to the infirmary located at the other end of the school.

" Seriously ?! Alfea needs a redesign ! Who in the right mind puts an infirmary at the isolated end block of the school ? The lack in common sense is real" Stella grumbled angrily as I passed Flora to her.

We're taking turns carrying the girls as running with 2 unconscious person in tow really shows our lack of stamina despite fighting battle after battles.

" What's happening ?...Musa and Flora just fainted by walking..." I muttered under my breath as I racked my brain for a possible answer

Knock ! knock ! Knock Knock !

The sounds of impatient knocked echoed throughout the empty corridor of Alfea as Aisha ratted the door knob aggressively.

"Come in" a voice said from behind the door. Turning the door knob, Tecna opened the door and made way for Stella and I who was carrying the sick.

The moment we laid the unconscious Flora and Musa on the sick bed on either side, we sank onto the sofa, allowing the smooth cooling leather to hug our body,lowering our body rising body temperature, as we huffed and puffed, trying to catch out breaths

" Bloom, I swear that was a form of strenuous exercise that ruined my hair ! Loook ! It's horrible " Stella complained as she smack her head backwards against the headrest of the pink leather sofa

Ms Ofelia glanced back and forth between the unconscious girls and me, with a baffled expression written on her face, before changing it to happy one and proceeded to ask in a cheery tone" Girls ! Welcome, what can I do for you ? "

" Well you see yesterday, the whole of last night most of us were vomiting constantly and some of us even look pale...abit too pale for comfort I would say. We're guessing it might be from the grad ball the previous night." Aisha said on behalf of me

" I see...let me measure your temperature and we'll see if anyone has a fever" Ms Ofelia said as she took out the thermometer on her table.

Aisha POV
" let's see..." Ms Ofelia said as she measured Flora and Musa temperature last

" Your 2 Friend her seems to have a slight fever..37.9 degrees. However, you guys are fine but let me run a blood test to see what's wrong " Ms Ofelia said

"Come over here and please have a seat. It would be slightly painful, but try not to tense up when the needle is in." Ms Ofelia warned as she took a seat at her desk, taking out antiseptic swab.

"Who wants to go first ?" She said she she prepared the needle and looked at us.

" Aisha ! I'm sure you're curious about what's happening what don't you go first ?" Stella told me before causally pushing me to the seat.

" No ! What the ! Tecna ! Don't you want to go first ?" I exclaimed as I made a quick U-turn to the right, pushing Tecna towards the dreaded chair.

" Girls ! Seriously ?" Bloom commented as she face palmed.

" I'll go first." She volunteered and stepped forward.

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