Chapter 9

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____ just got home and Slade stopped her

"Do you think I am stupid?" Slade said calmly


"You lied. I know where you went to. You were with the titans."


"I planted a tracker on you."

"You're not mad?"

"No. I am just worried."

"Why are you worried?"

"I should of told you sooner. Robin. He and all of his friends were responsible for your mothers death." He lied to her face

"No..No they wouldn't."

"They did. You must stay away from them."

"They.. did it.."


"I trusted them!"

"I have a plan for revenge. If you are up to it." Slade said

"Oh I am up to it." she said without hesitating

"Good. Now here is the plan."


"Hey has anyone seen ____? She's been gone for weeks." Beast boy said

"No but she left a note for you." Raven said pointing to the table," She left it on the door. It said for Beast boy."

He headed for the table and read the note.

It read

∂єαя вєαѕт вσу,

We are done. It's not only you to blame. It's all of you. My father, Slade told me the truth about all of you. I thought you were the good guys.


He started tearing up but holding it in as the others came in. He grabbed the note and walked to his room.

"What did it say?" Raven said

"She.... She broke up with me." He said sadly. He left to his room

Everyone looked at him with sad eyes

"I'll go talk to him." Robin said leaving the room

He knocked on the door Beast boy answered it with sad eyes

"Are you ok?"

"I'm getting there."

"What happened?"

"She said all of us are responsible."

"For what?"

"She didn't say."

"What else did she say?"

"She.. kept a secret." He said calming down

"What was it."

"He father is.... Slade."

He sighed. "No. He's not."

"Yeah he is she said said so."

"No. I had a dream Beast boy. Slade killed her parents for her powers. And raised her."


"For power. We have to recuse her. Slade tricked her into thinking we did something."

"But what did he tell her?"

"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out. Follow me." he left the building through Beast boy's window and they left .

They searched the streets. Beast boy is turned into a blood hound.

He turned back

"I got her sent."

They found a cave. They went in and found a huge lair.

Then they both saw ____.

"You two? What are you doing here!" She said with her eyes blue.

"We have to tell you something."
Robin said

"No! I trusted you both, and you yourselves hero's?"

"What did we do?" Beast boy said

"You killed my mother!"

"When?" Beast boy said

"I don't remember. But my father did!"

"He isn't your father!" Robin said

"Enough." Slade said walking in

"Slade." Robin said narrowing his eyes


"You tricked her. How could you do this?"

"What are you talking about Robin? She is my daughter. And to me your not a good influence."

Him and Robin started fighting. Robin used his staff and started kicking and punching. Slade just kept blocking everything

Beast boy blocked off ____. He turned into a triceratops.

He got her in his horns. He turned back and grabbed her arms

"He is lying to you ____!"

"Stop lying to me!"

"I wouldn't lie to you! I liked you for monthes! I think I even fell in love. Ever since the day we met. I care for you."

"Slade killed your parents ____!" Robin yelled out

She stopped and Beast boy let go.

"Is this true?" She said to Slade


She ran away from and teared up. Slade went for her but Robin got in the way

Slade pushed Robin out of the way and grabbed ____.

"____!" Robin and Beast boy said

He took her and put her in his suit and hooked her up in a strange machine.

"What are you doing? What is this for?" ____ yelled

"My darling girl. That machine you stole, was a devise that will give me your powers. I will control you and if I don't want to play dress up with your body, I can take your powers."


Robin came up and tried to attack him but he trapped him in a cage

"Beast boy, HELP!" ____ and Robin said at the same time

He looked back and forth then narrowed his eyes at Slade

"That's it!" Beat boy said,"You've stood in the way of all the girls I loved. Terra, Raven, and now ____! Well I'm sick of it."

Beast boy fought like her never fought before. He turned into a T-Rex and roared and threw Slade across the room. He broke the machine that ____ was trapped in and broke it with his teeth. He grabbed her with his teeth then brung her down and she freed Robin.

____ and Robin and Beast boy fought Slade. They took him outside. It was raining. Robin brought him down he was on the cold cement.

____ walked up to him and her eyes turned blue. She blasted him with her eyes and walked away. He was K.O.'d

She went up to Beast boy

"Beast boy, I'm-"

"I know."

They both smiled and they kissed in the rain.

Robin smiled.

'Well played.' he thought

They went to the tower Beast boy and ____ were holding hands

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