Part 6

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"Where are we going?" Namjoon asked as Yoongi pushed him inside the car along with the others and Jin hopped into the driver's seat.

"You nearly killed Jimin." Taehyung said.

"Your hand was already bleeding when I saw you in my room. I guess you injured yourself when you took the knife from the kitchen drawer." explained Jimin, feeling stupid that he didn't realize the half opened drawer was the knives drawer.

"Ah, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I couldn't even remember earlier." Namjoon buried his face in his palms.

Jin parked the car in front of a clinic. Jungkook showed the appointment they made through his phone and the woman nodded, gesturing them to sit in the waiting room.

Finally their number was called. Jimin, Yoongi, and Jungkook accompanied Namjoon. They politely introduced themselves to the therapist. He nodded and gestured Namjoon to sit on the chair in front of him and the others to sit on the sofa beside them.

"Okay, Kim Namjoon. Can we start the session?" He checked his clipboard.

1 hour later...

"Thankyou so much." Jimin shook the therapist's hand.

"Thankyou, too. You may leave the room Mr.Kim. I would like to say some words to your friends."

As soon as Namjoon left, the therapist flipped some pages and showed the three of them.

"Here. He is okay, still okay. This is not split identities or any mental problems. For now, I still couldn't define the illness. But this is one of the weirdest problem I have ever handled. Surprisingly, your friend have found the 'cure'."

"Cure? But we haven't found anything." Jungkook said.

"No. But it is the alternative to stop him from continuing what he is doing. Water is the answer." He scribbled something on his clipboard.

"You mean, splashing water to his face?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes. It seems like it made him realize what he was doing. His change of attitude, you know?"

They nodded.

"And the pills, he must take them twice a day, especially before sleep to make him fully aware what he was doing and prevent those things to happen."


Jin's POV

Namjoon always showed up in every session the therapist scheduled and he never forgot to take his pills. He was doing a great job. He never talked or walked in his sleep or even harmed others. This had been 4 months already. We planned to stop bringing him to the clinic because this was already great.

Jungkook kept dreaming about the same thing and he told me that he was just about to know the identity of the person only if Jimin didn't wake him up last time.

We decided to hand a bucket of water on the ceiling with a hook above our doors and a long rope tied to it which hung above our heads when we were in the bed. Just in case Namjoon barged in when we were asleep, we could just pull the rope and the water would spill on him.

Everything was under control. Maybe.


27th July 10.32 PM

Namjoon's POV

I didn't know why they brought me to a therapist. I only imagined things such as the bloody guy, but it was clearly dangerous for my friends. I had to be precautious. I took the pills and gulped water down my throat. I headed to the bedroom which I shared with no one. Note it, scaredy Hoseok whined and forced Yoongi to move into Jin's room with him because he himself was scared of what I probably would do and he was worried about Yoongi too. Jungkook felt sorry for him and moved to Jimin and Taehyung's room.

I sighed and walked to my desk to write some lyrics and clear my mind. It was late and I placed down my pencil. I yawned and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I was in a place with dim lights.

[A/N : dim the lights down baby, dim the lights. Im sorry back to the story]

The bloody guy appeared in front of me. Wait, he wasn't bloody this time but the cuts and stitches were still there.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.


"Ew, don't make it sound cringy."

"Simple, Joonie. I just want to get rid of your so-called friends and lead you to a better life. Money, fame, pretty girls. You like it, right?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"My friends are more precious than those things. I knew that you are trying to instigate me." I stared at him.

"Says the one who sang Expensive Girl." He rolled his eyes mockingly.

"Stop appearing in my dream! I don't want to see you anymore!" I growled.

"Get rid of me? Are you supposed to get rid of them?" He smiled. "After this, Yoongi was going to take the song you wrote and claim it as his. And Hoseok.. hmm.. he will leave you as well. They never cared about what you did to them. They're just using you." He laughed.

"No, I don't believe you! I won't ever hurt them."

"Oh, you won't? Then I will do it myself."

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