Chapter 5 - The class trial

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We finally got to the trial room. It looked cool, but i didn't like the reason we were here.

There were 17 podiums and all the podiums had someones name on. I found mine and stood on it. I saw a sorta creepy picture of Rantaro with an x over his face. Looking at it made my heart hurt so i looked down, to avoid it so i didn't end up crying my eyes out.

Monokuma explained the class trial. He said we all had to find the blackened with the evidence we found from the investigation. We would then have to vote for whodunnit. If we choose right, the blackened gets punished, and if we chose wrong everyone besides the the blackened is punished.

The class trial came to a start. We were all confused on where to start first. So Kaede said that the mastermind might have been the one who killed Rantaro. Kaito took it further by saying that Rantaro was masterminding the game.

"No that's not possible. Haven't you looked at the evidence we have. Shuichi said during the investigation that to open the door hidden door you would need a keycard, if Rantaro was really the mastermind he would have the keycard on him, and he didn't, so what you said can't be a possibility." I said defending Rantaro with rock hard proof."

"That's right if he intended on entering the hidden door, he would need the keycard." Shuichi said agreeing with me. "There is the likelihood that Rantaro was told about the hidden door and the mastermind knew about the trap and the cameras blind spots and killed Rantaro." Shuichi continued.

"Wait didn't Miu make the cameras, she would know the most about the cameras so she is an obvious suspect."  Ryoma said.

"No, that can't have been possible, this was because of Kiyo's account, Kiyo said that during the time of the body discovery announcement, him, Kirumi and Miu were in the dining hall, he also said that Tsumugi was for a period of time, but she went to the restroom." Shuichi said and Kiyo said that was true.

"Isn't Tsumugi the Ultimate Cosplayer. She could have easily snuck by and-" Ryoma assumed until he was cut off.

"No she couldn't have, you see Tsumugi has Cospox. She gets a horrible rash when she tries to cosplay as real people." Kaede said.

"Yeah, it's true. You see a lot of people cosplay as real people nowaqdays, but that's not what cosplay is about." Tsumugi said.

"Hey aren't the people who went down to the basement suspicious" Kokichi said.

"Kaito, Gonta, Maki, Tenko, Angie,  Himiko and Rantaro went down to the basement. They all eventually met up with (Y/N) who was sleeping in the AV room until they came." Kaede said. They were all in a meeting about how to end the killing game, but according to Maki, Gonta left the room as well as Rantaro." She said.

"Rantaro said he was going to go to the restroom." Kaito said. "But obviously that was a lie."

"So where did you go Gonta?" Kokichi asked in his sarcastic tone.

"Gonta went to watch bug movies to prepare him for fight." Gonta said. "And also Gonta can't get to Rantaro without going through game room where friends were" He continued.

"Wasn't there another door though?" Ryoma said.

"There was, but it could only open a little and the only thing you could slip through was your arm." Kaede said.

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