Chapter 1: Unlucky Start

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I was drenched in blood, blood that wasn't mine. I heard the police sirens. I couldn't, i wasn't getting caught now, not until i have them back. I decided to leave before they came. I put up my hood so no one could see my face as i fled the scene.

-End of flashback-

"AHH!!" I screamed. I panicked and suddenly hit my head off what looked to be a locker door. "Ow! Shit, that hurt." I said, out loud. "Well by the looks of it, i guess i'm in a locker, aha" I laughed to myself. I layed my body against the the locker door, still laughing to myself. It was a kind of awkward laugh.

The locker door suddenly flung open. I feel onto the hard, cold floor. "Ow!" I whined. I looked up and saw a.....Robot? It was standing next to another boy with purple hair, looked around my height, my height being short. "AHAHAHA!!" The purple/black haired boy just started having a laughing fit. "Hey, you shouldn't be so rude." I said pouting while the robot nodded, agreeing with my statement. The boy continued to laugh. "Hey, why don't you shut your childish ass the fuck up." I said, my pouty demeanor suddenly changed to a threatening one. He stopped laughing and had a straight face while the robot looked a bit frightened.

I suddenly snapped out of my strange trance. "Huh, s-sorry about that." I said laughing awkwardly. "Well anyways, i'm (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Journalist." I said with a smile. "Hello (Y/N), I'm K1-B0 but please address me as Keebo, also i'm the Ultimate Robot." He said.
"I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader." He said with a mischeavious smirk. "Hey Keebo, do robots have dicks?" Kokichi asked Keebo. I didn't know why he asked that but we all have weird questions we wanna ask sometimes.

Suddenly, these...bear, robot things came in. "Rise and shine, Ursine!" All 5 said in unison. "As soon as you finish meeting all your fellow classmates please go to the gym. By the way i'm Monophanie, the red one is Monotaro, the blue one is Monokid, the yellow one is Monosuke and the green one is Monodam." The pink one said. "So long, bear well!" They all said and disappeared.

Just to add on to the 'surprise' mood, Kokichi started chasing Keebo around the room, asking him strange questions. I couldn't make out what Kokichi was saying but i heard Keebo say "HEY, THAT'S ROBOPHOBIC!" I just started to laugh. Two people came in, they looked confused so i went up to them. "Hey, i'm (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Journalist, that's Keebo, the Ultimate Robot and chasing him is Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader." I announced with a smile.
"Okay Miss (L/N), i'm Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist and this is Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective." She said and smiled. "Just (Y/N) is fine." I said. She just nodded and left with Shuichi.

"HEY! You two need to stop, your creeping people out!!" I said and they stopped. "Look i'm going to wait here to see if anyone comes here. You two go meet some people and then go to the gym, i'll meet you there." I said. Keebo nodded and left. "Why should i listen to you?" Kokichi said with his mischeavious smile. "I never said you had, it was only a suggestion." I said in response. He walked away. "I didn't want to stay here with you anyways." He said with a pout and left.

Some time passed and i met a few people. Tenko Chabashira, the Ultimate Neo-Aikodo Master, Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid, Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Magician, Shuichi Saihara,the Ultimate Detective. Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist (i already met them), Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Anthropologist, Gonta Gokuhara, the Ultimate Entomologist, Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Artist, Tsumugi Shirogane,the Ultimate Cosplayer and Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor. They all had very unique personalities. During the time of meeting these people, i felt a vibration in my backpack. It was a sort of electronic device. When i turned it on it said monopad. Apparently, i have a sort of application thing that gives me details of all the students. It only showed me details on the people i have met already, it told me their weight, height, chest, blood type, likes, dislikes, birthday and their talent. Also according to the Monopad i still have 4 people to meet. I decided not to wait around and go to the gym.

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