For anyone who is confused

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I know very well that what i've written is very confusing, so this a good clear explanation.

Your name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Your talent: You are the Ultimate Journalist, but you hid the fact you were the Ultimate Hunter, but you have both of those talents.

Your Weight, height and chest:
You are (Y/W), 5'0" tall and your chest is large, 41" to be exact. (Sorry of your bust isn't that large or small and you aren't that short or tall)

Other information:
You remembered everything that everyone remembered about the Ultimate Hunt when you entered the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, along with Rantaro. You know no more though.

You snapped in the dining hall on the day Monokuma introduced the additional motive, it was your memories of Kira flooding back, because you remembered Kira, she became a part of your life again. People shrugged off what happened though.

You have a strange personallity that ulternates because of Kira (your serial killer identity)

You don't understand romance so you never had romantic feelings towards Rantaro, you were just really good friends.

You promised yourself you would tell people your secret.

A/N: I'm very aware all if this is in a strange order, but its just a breif explanation. If there is anything else you want me to explain just ask.

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