Chapter One

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The air was thick with a sensual tension. The neon lights set the mood for a salacious affair. Half naked women danced on bar stages. Men sited on plush chairs watched with avid vigilance not to miss the spectacle. All arrays of cigars and long pipes nestled between their drawing lips. Women dressed in assorted lingerie lingered on each arm of the men needing to catch their attention.

"A beautiful evening, My Lady",A chivalrous tone greeted with a sense of measured patience. The fair-haired man held a pliant smile on his wide lips. His hands dutifully behind his back. Behind his approachable countenance, there was a semblance of mockery -- pertaining to be belittling without assumption.

"Where is Malachi,Tomas?".

The man grinned like a silver fox. His teeth glistened under the harsh light appearing like the Devil himself. His head drew back as he surveyed the the surrounding, a sense of mockery aroused over his person. The unbridled display of a man with control made her want to slap him until he fell unconscious.

"It seems he has retired for the night. We wouldn't want to disturb his peace now".

There was an underlying tone of bitter speculation. Tomas was trying to goad her, he deeply wanted a reaction from her. She could perceive he wanted her to lash out; scream and throw glasses around as she had formerly proposed. He wanted her to be punished.

"What exactly are you trying to say,Tomas".

"Exactly what you heard, My Lady".

"And what did I hear. Because we both know my Malachi wouldn't want to hear of your disrespect. So I warn you to tread carefully with me, you seem to forget that you are replaceable".

His smile retained but it was in stark contrast with the loathing in his eyes. She very well knew ,if given the chance, he would end her; slowly painfully with adept torture,of that his eyes promised. Her lip twitched with a cruel smile of her own which rivalled his.

"Now, where is Malachi?".

His lips seemed to move but his teeth never showed. He directed her to the private quarters, his presence several meters behind her. The smell of nicotine and liquor seemed to vanish as the door closed behind Tomas. The room was dark expect for for a faint chandelier that glimmered in the middle of the room which held a poker table.

A silhouette stood at the east window glaring at the moonless sky. The muscular figure was endowed with a dark suit and a small empty glass. The man appeared to be deep in thought as his shoulder tensed with a burdening effort.

"What do you want".

Tomas retreated in his steps. His hand went behind his back in a pliant gesture. The man was nervous in his way. It was somewhat amusing to watch him fiddle and shuffle with his feet.


He turned abruptly. The glass between his finger clinked with the movement. The expression on his face was utterly confounded. He was neither surprised nor excited to behold her presence.

"Get out, Tomas".

There was an hesitance with Tomas. An indecision that made her inflame with a scorching heat. The man was a parasite, who needed to crushed into nothingness by her manicured fingers. With a pensive bow, he left the room in silence.

"I am going to kill that man one day".

"Is that what you came for?. To tell me how you would kill my brother".

"Don't be crude with me. You know what I came for and for you to tell that brother of yours to dismiss me in such a way. Wasn't very entertaining".

"Good thing I wasn't trying to be".

"I want to go back to Italia. I am sick and tired of this country, Malachi. I can't live like this anymore. I miss the vineyard and my studio. You never let me live the house and I am--".

The sound of shattering glass interrupted her. The sound reverberated around the room. The atmosphere became tense on a very lucid note. She could feel the unease seeping into her flushing veins but her composure remained still.

"Clèmence, I have warned you never to bring that matter up again".

He stalked towards her. The need to cower down and flee was strongly felt, it made her hands clammer with perspiration. His exterior was calm and without fury, but her heart knew she had angered him.

His cold fingers brushed her warm cheek with mild affection. The soft caress turned into a painful grip on her chin. She whimpered lowly as he moved to her jaw, teasing the flesh in a soothing manner.

"Mòn amour, please".

"I went to visit Tio today. He asked for you. He seemed to take a means to your well-being, delving into matters that does not concern him; matters meant for me and my woman. But I also seemed to forget that you were an ungrateful bitch who couldn't keep her mouth shut".

More pressure was applied to the bruising skin. Her vision had become disoriented as tears were forced back so as not to worsen the situation. "It appears that I have become quite lenient with you, haven't I?. My sweet Clèmence, how I would love to break this jaw of yours. Maybe then you would fucking learn to keep your mouth shut".

His nose skimmed the side of her neck. Inhaling softly, he left his hold off her. Placing open kisses on the soft skin, his warm tongue found the pulsating blood vessel, sucking until a purplish hue appeared. His ministrations continued until he reached the swells of her breast. She felt his smile against her heaving bosom before he retracted.

"Did you wear that for me?".

She didn't reply, merely stared at him without breaking eye contact. His lips twitched for what could be presumed as a smile. His hands circled it's way to her hair, within seconds her hair was unbound from it's updo. The metal of the hairpin hitting the ground.

"Better. I have to say, you look exquisite tonight, even more so with your mouth shut".

"I think I should leave."

Malachi played with the strands of her hair. The green eyes darkened into a predatory glint. His intentions concise as he briefly glanced at the poker table.

"It's time we put that mouth to use, don't you think?".

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