Chapter Four

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Clèmence waited with baited breath for the clock to strike the elegantly slanted nine. The tick tock carried on as she counted down the few minutes in her head. The warm breeze warped around her naked body,her nipples pebbled to hard peaks. She fought the urge to pinch them,her body too sore to accommodate such treatment.

Purplish- like bruises was formed on both her breasts,hips and her inner thighs. She bore the markings of a woman who was fucked roughly and thoroughly all night. The shrill alarm of the clock rung out loudly. Clèmence licked her dry lips,it was as tender as the muscles between her legs.

The muscular arm that gripped her stomach tightened until she was pulled closer to the warmth and hardened cock of Malachi. His nose grazed her hair, breathing in,he whispered,"You are fucking exquisite".

He flipped her, with sudden surprise, she squealed. She laid on her stomach, her hands bracing the headboard on the bed for impact. For a second,t hat how she remained, motionless and sore. Then his lips touched her shoulder.

It was feather light, teasing and a promise of what to come. Her senses were attuned to the kisses trailed slowly down her back until his lips reached the globe of her right ass. He bit down on it roughly,she could feel the sharp edges of his teeth. It was paradoxical,how she felt. Pleasure and pain, excitement and fear, anticipation and apprehension.

His slick tongue suckled on the mark, soothing the sting. Liquid heat gathered at her pussy, she was unbelievably wet and needed to fill the ache. She doubted her body could take it.

His fingers,thick and blunt, spread her ass cheeks as if digging for a treasure. He groaned heavily."Gesù,look at you. fucking exquisite". He rammed three finger into wet pussy. She moaned loudly,but it was muffled. It felt too good, although still tender,her body welcomed the pleasurable pain.

She wiggled to meet the hard rhythm as he finger fucked her from behind. Her muffled screams seemed to urge him on to add a fourth finger. It took her breath away,she came loud and fast. Her body spasmed,thrashing with fervor.

Her juices ran down her thighs, she wished he could bury his face there,so that she ride and buck her swollen mound against his tongue or better his thick cock. She wanted him to play with her until she couldn't stand, that wouldn't take long, considering the way how feeble her limbs felt.

She felt his body shift from hers, he turned her to her side until she faced him. He smiled crookedly and unabashed at her body."You forever remain my canvas,Sweet. I was a very thorough artist,wasn't I?". When she didn't reply, his face comically transformed into a frown,one of amusement.

"I could remedy that,but I don't think you could take it".His eyes gleamed wickedly."But,you never fail to amaze me, that tight cunt is always wet and ready for me". He said, giving her body an intense perusal.

She hissed loudly, his words making her want to recoil."I aim to please,that is why I am here". Her tone was embodied with sarcasm. Malachi chuckled darkly,",Of course, Sweet. Fucking and hospitality is what you're here for".

"Why don't you just shoot me".

"I could, but I won't. You see,Sweet Clèmence, a very important guest -".

She interrupted him,"Please spare me, I don't care about your guests".She growled with vehemence."You better not expect me to be hospitable either after the way you treated me with your belt!".

"I do expect things from you and stupidity is not one of them. Lorenzo and his wife are coming for dinner and I expect you to be on your best behavior".

She jumped from the bed as if poked with hot steel. She stood, naked and provoked,"You bring that bastard and that his wretched wife into my house!. If I see their faces, I will fucking kill them, I swear to you!".

She meant every single word of what she said. Lorenzo will pay for what he did to Carla. Carla was the only friend and she ever had and that imbecile and his wife killed her. It was sick how they did it, so sick and disgusting. She never want to see their faces as long as she lived.

"Don't bring up that whore, you call a friend into this. She knew what she was getting into the she decided to play with Lorenzo, he can be quite vengeful but he didn't do anything she didn't deserve".

"How can you say that!".She said almost on the verge of tears."How dare you, Carla was a good person,she was the only family I had in Italy. You let him take her away from me!, like you take everything away".She could not hold back the tears.

"Don't be dramatic now. I didn't know he was going to kill the girl, Sweet Clèmence." He sighed, he used his arm to draw her closer to him from where she stood until she was pressed closely to his side as she sobbed.

"Please, don't let him come here". She whispered. "Please,amour, I won't be able to take it".

"This is business. I don't have to explain that to you, and in business emotions are not allowed-".

"Please".She hiccuped.

"No, Clèmence. That is final".He said,withdrawing her from his comfort.

"Did you know she was the one who pushed me to you?. Carla said you were good for me, how wrong was she. You took advantage of my innocence and naivete, you seduced me and she always said you were good for me. Sometimes I wished I hadn't met you, maybe she would have still been alive".

"But you did meet me and she's dead. Don't try to offend me with your bitter words. That girl was no saint and you know it. She was a manipulative whore who choose the wrong person to play with. The only good thing she did in her pathetic life was cajole you to take my affections".

"I hate you!". Clèmence spat loudly.

"Maybe".He smiled."But, I don't care, Lorenzo is coming, so is Miranda and that is that".

"You can't just wait to see your former lover,can you?,she is the one you really want to see. You enjoy how she grovels and whines for your attention. Like your sister, she is goddamn pitiful".

He laughed, the sound deep and husky,"You are the only one I want to see grovel and whine for me, Sweet". He rose to kiss the corner of her mouth."You have nothing to be jealous about, you entertain me enough".

"I am not jealous of her or anybody else. Fuck her,Bianca and any other slut,if you wish. I do not care what you do!".

"So childish".He said with a shake of his head. Standing up,he headed towards the bathroom,"Care joining me,Sweet?".


Malachi had left after their shower,he kissed her roughly as he dried her off. Breakfast was an uneventful affair, she was not sure if Bianca or Tomas were still in the house, so she had her breakfast in the bedroom.

She decided to go to the room that Malachi had arranged for her in the house,it was a surprise to her,he said he wanted her to feel welcome in a foreign country. She could not deny that it was thoughtful,at times like those she remembers why she fell in love with him. Although the gift was to shut her up and make her pliant.

The room was on the same floor as their bedroom,so the walk was short. The door was unlocked,she always kept the door locked,she was the only one with the key,not considering Malachi but he had left.

Calmly,she stepped inside,the lights were switched off bit the window were upon enough for the sunlight to enter. She peered around but she didn't see anyone,no intruder will ever enter the house it was heavily guarded.

There the culprit stood,her eyes appraising the painting she had just completed a few weeks ago. Bianca was dressed in a tight black sheath gown which left her back exposed.

"I never get your fascination with dark colors. It makes the painting too dreary even for you".She said,turning to face her,her lips shone with dark red lipstick coming in contrast with her tanned skin.

"What the hell are you doing in here!".

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