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                                           Hayden's POV


         After dropping off Kira by her house, I left and went to catch a few waves with my uncle and a few friends. About 2 hours later we decided that it was time to get something to eat. While getting our things together my uncle gets a text from Kira a minute later I did to. We texted a couple of times then she stopped. I called her Princess. I hope I didn't offend her.

We walk to the small restaurant there on the beach . But I have a bad feeling, like Kira is in trouble. or needs me. 

"Patrick, I feel like somethings wrong with Kira like she might be in trouble. When we left school her brother said his dad was mad. Then before I dropped her off at home he texted her and she was eager to get home.

"When I asked you to leave my office this morning, it was because I seen a bruise on her face. She said her step dad did it...." before He could go on I had a pain in my chest and could hear  Kira crying my name in my head. I looked up and I know my eye's were turning. My anger starting to build up.

"We need to go get Kira's now ." I said with the Alpha male tone of authority that I have never used before. Devon, Patrick and I were in my car with in seconds. I just had such a bad feeling that Kira was hurt and needed me.

The Drive was fast, I was lucky I hadn't gotten stopped for how bad and fast I was driving but I felt like time was running out. I pulled onto her street and didn't see any car's in her drive or in front of her house. Her brother was sitting outside on the steps looking really worried.

'Hey wheres Kira? Is she home?" Kira's brother looked up and I could see he had been crying but he didn't say anything . Just looked back towards the front door.

As we got closer to the porch the strong smell of blood mixed with vanilla and lavender hit me hard. I ran and opened the screen door and seen Kira on the floor covered in blood and  unconscious  with a heart beat so faint that even my  excelant hearing was hard to hear. Her mother was hovering over her stroking her hair crying. I pushed her mom out of the way and yelled for my uncle.

"Patrick help me. Devon call my dad tell him  we need the Doctor." Patrick comes in looking at Kira in shock as I hear Devon already on the phone.

"Oh my God Kira. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?" Patrick says as he looks over to Kira's mother who is now standing.

"She is......OK.....she just got punished...she'll be fine in the morning. Now leave my house before I call the Police." As she specks I let out a growl. I would rather be ripping her apart but I pick up Kira and head for the car where Devon already has the back door open.

"Mrs. YOU are lucky I don't have you arrested. Kira will not be returning to this home if that's what you call this place. I will be calling her lawyer and dcf. Chris will get her all of her things now. If you give him and his men a problem I WILL HAVE YOU AND ANY ONE WHO HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HAPPENED ARRESTED AND YOU WILL DO TIME." I hear Patrick say as I fast walk Kira out to the car.

    As I jump in beside Kira and close the door, I see a few of our pack members including one that is an undercover cop , pulling up and rushing to my uncle. I assume they are getting Kira's belongings. For that I am glad she will never be here again. With in seconds Devon has us on our our way to the pack house. I link my mother, father, and our pack doctor letting them now how far we are and what some of her injuries are that I can see.

    We pull up to the warehouse and are met by my parents, the pack Doctor and a few nurses. I hear my mom gasp as she sees Kira and all the blood.

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