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    The shower was amazing. I dried my self and put my clothes on. My hair was still a little damp but I decided to let it air dry. I wiped down everything before placing the towel in the hamper.

As I walked out it was a little dark down the hall. I figured that maybe he turned the lights off to watch a movie. As I made my way to the living room. On the coffee table set a few diffrent candles and the food was being put on square white trimmed in red plates. I watch as Hayden took his time to make the food look perfect on the plates. I laughed  to myself at the way he looked at every little detail of how things were set on the table.

"I..I um thought it would be nice to have our first date. If that's OK with you. Ya know dinner and a movie." He says as he points to the food and then a movie laying in front of the TV. But the TV was on something that made it look and sound like a fire place. It was cute and it made me feel special.

I sat down on the floor beside Hayden. The only light was from the candles and the TV. We laughed and talked about our lives and what we liked and were into. Hayden loves surfing. He says he does it every time he gets a free minute. I asked him to teach me and he seemed to get happy that I wanted to do something he likes so much.

He told me about his sister and how he cant wait for us to meet each other. I told him about Jake , Lisa and of course Penny. He wants to meet them some time as well. We had finished our meal and sat down on the couch side by side. Every time our skin touched I felt small pleasurable shock waves run threw me. It was like nothing I have ever felt before. I noticed Hayden seemed like he was debating whether  or not to tell me something.

"Kira, I know you don't know about the whole wolf thing and I don't want to wait till the last minute to tell you things.......You are my mate. And soon I will need to mark you and finish the mating soon after. It will bring our bond together close. And any other wolf will know you belong.....I mean Are with me.  I will also be able to know how you feel if your in pain or scared......."

"How do you mark me?" I look at him and he gives me a slight smile.

"Well  it's usually done during the mating ummm when the two people are intimate. But I know people who have done it separate. I don't want to push you into being intimate if you don't want to but.... (he sighed deep ) Marking  means we bite each other and it will leave a distinctive mark that represents the two people. " He looked down and as if he thought I would be mad or something. But in all honesty I wasn't. I was.....OK with it . I don't know why but I was..

"How bout  we just watch the movie and think about that stuff tomorrow OK?" He looked up at me and smiled. I got up and cleared the dishes and came back and sat on the couch where Hayden was. We watch the move and laughed and had a great time. So we decide on a second movie it was a scary movie and I didn't mind. I scooted closer to Hayden And he wrapped his arm around me and held me tight. I liked it as I could feel the waves of pleasure run all threw me.

It started getting really scared and I turned my head into Hayden chest. Breathing in his intoxicating smell. I felt him bring his hand under my chin. Lifting my head till our eyes met. I felt his lips touch mine sending stronger waves of pure pleasure threw me. He deepened the kiss and I didn't feel I was in control anymore. I straddled him and we made out more passionately than I have ever done before with anyone. 

My body felt on fire from the inside out. Before I knew what I was doing, i was in the heat of the moment and I was kissing down his neck and at a certain spot were his neck joined his shoulder, I don't know what happen. I just bit him hard and deep. And I don't mean nibble I mean I broke skin. I felt his blood go down my throat and chin and I jumped up  away from him to the floor. I know shock was written all over my face.

"Oh my god.........I... I am soo sorry.... what have i done." I ran to the room locking the door and jumped on the bed crying for what seemed like hrs. Why did I do that I...I.. He probably hates me. I could hear him calling my name and trying to get in but I just blocked  out his panicking voice.

He must think I'm such a monster. I always screw everything up . My body starts to shake and tremble. I get up walking to the radio in the room. Turning it on as loud as it can go. In hopes it will take all these thoughts and things out of my head.

I'm here without you By 3 DOORS DOWN. Followed by Kryptonite So I assume its a CD by 3 DOORS DOWN. which I love, so I put the CD on repeat and leave it loud. Laying back on the bed curling up into a ball, I let the music take over me. I didn't even hear when Hayden got the door open or noticed him standing at the door watching me.

The music relaxes me so much I didn't even notice him coming to the bed and sitting down ,until he glides his hand down my arm. I go to speck and he stops me. Bending down whispering loudly but calmly in my ear. 

"You didn't hurt me. And  I'm defiantly  not mad at you  either. I love you Kira." He kisses me right below my ear and sends shivers threw me. 

I lay there just staring at him for a while. Neither of us talking. just happy being beside one another. After a few minutes I guess I fell asleep.

"Kira its me." I look into the darkness and see the white wolf walking to me yet again. "I am so happy you marked mate Now he belongs to us."

"Us what do you mean US?"

"Kira... I'm your wolf. One day, soon I hope, you will also be able to shift like Hayden and the others. I know its a lot for you to take in and that's why I haven't talked to you much. Well that and i'm not a big talker. I want you to know that our mate will do what ever he can to keep us safe. But we are special. I don't want to lay it all on you now as you need sleep. But  we will be able to do things other wolves cant. For that reason they will want to take us from our true mate HAYDEN Some may want us to use our power for what they want. Others will want to breed with us to strengthen there blood line and pack. Kira you need to train and train hard so that you can also protect yourself. And you marking Hayden was great but you need your mark as well. I know being fully mated  is scary to you but it is greatly important."

"But how do i even know if i am ready for that."

"Tell me Kira how do you feel about him?"

Well.... I feel safe when he's with me, He makes me laugh and I think I love him b...bu..but I haven't known him long. How can I be sure?"

"Kira, with wolves when it comes to our mates we instantly fall for them. I am sure if you had grown up with a pack it would be easier for you to understand and accept the feeling you have. I am glade how ever that you didn't grow up in a pack. I think things may have turned out worse than they are now. You need to rest. I will come to you again soon. I am still getting my strength up right now. Even Alpha females with Alpha blood  have it hard you see." She says as she grins showing her teeth a little. She walks away and its dark once again but I know she will return soon. I already feel so close to her.

I fall into a deep sleep and am so relaxed as I feel Hayden's arms wrap around me.

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