So I'm gonna try to keep this chapter spoiler free, if there are spoilers they'll be in bold so you who haven't watched it dont get spoilers.
Alright, where to start on my little whatever about this movie,
The theater I was in went dead silent when the logo came on screen without the music, the only times the theater was loud was at the few funny moments and some loud gasps at other moments.Some deaths I saw were expected (first one I assume a lot of us were/will be expecting) but more than a few I audibly gasped for.
Small spoilers ahead
Let me just say,
No to all the deaths, on in particular hurt me more than others because of how he (not gonna name names here) died in the others arms, my friend who went with me actually cried at that part.
Also, if its only the original Avengers left, why was Rhodes left not ashed?It was pretty shocking to me that marvel actually dusted so many new characters and well loved ones, I assume it's so that they have it set up for Captain Marvel and the next avengers film to tie together and bring everyone back.
Not actually sure if this part is a spoiler.Spoilers are over, and so is this chapter! See y'all on the next time I post!