Sam (Scott)

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It was a normal day, in my normal life, in my not-so-normal city, unless you call a divided city filled with beasts normal.

I was hanging out with my friends, at a party, my friends getting wasted, me wanting to leave, as usual.
"Hey, Jack, I need to go home!" I shout over the blasting music
"Ok, have fun." He shouts, completely drunk
I walk out of the party, and I see a girl sitting on a bench, looking sorry for herself, I walk over.
"Are you ok?" I ask, starting at a giant scar on her face
"Yeah, I'm fine..." She starts
"Ok, you looked hurt so I-"
"Wait, you can see me?" She interrupts
"Yeah, why wouldn't I, is something wrong?" I ask, a little confused
"It's- It's nothing, what's your name?" She asks changing the subject
"I'm Sam, and yours?" I respond, hesitant to give a stranger my name
"Is Sam short for anything?" She asks, not answering my question
"No, It's just Sam" I answer
"Oh, ok, I'm Bea" She says, sounding hesitant as well
"Is Bea short for anything?" I ask, copying her
"Yes" she responds, sternly
I wait for her to tell me what it's short for, eventually, I just ask.
"What's it short for?" I ask, edging her on
"Uh... Bella" She hesitates
"Why does that sound familiar?" I say, speaking to myself
"Have you heard the story Bella of all Beasts?" She asks
"Yes, that's where I've heard that name, it's not a very common name around here."
"Yeah well, most parents don't want to name their kid after someone who was part human, part "dark" magic, and can become any beast she wants"
"Point taken, well, I have to go, uh... how should we end this, like see you around? Or exchange numbers? Or just, I'll probably never see you again? Or what?"
"Um, I mean the city is small, so we will see each other again... number?"
Oh god, is she asking for my number in a flirty way, or a friend way? She seems like a lone wolf kind of girl
"Sure" I respond and put my number in her phone. She puts hers in mine.
"Bye, Short-for-Nothing-Sam" She smirks
"Bye Beast Girl" I respond

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