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Hahahaha, Zenya and harry lived a happy life and didnt want anything

to change that. Zenya put vanessa in prison for enternity, and put a restaining order on vanessa, Well as you can see zenya and harry are really happy together, the same goes for alberto and mitchshelby. Today was the dat mitchshelby gets in labor, her water broke in the car and alberto hurried and drove her the hospital they made it in time and then, They have a girl and a boy (twins). Zenya named her baby girl (Michelle) and alberto named the boy (michael) and thus, peace brought to both zenya nad mitchshelby, they both have the luckiest guys on earth who loves and accept them. But the strangous thing had happened to zenya.

      "Hey mom guess what, I PASSED THE THIRD GRADE!!" Ciara said, "Omg omg omg Ciara, Biggest dreams can still come true, ive prade for you to be succesful and look at you now, my daughter all grown up" Zenya said crying tears of joy, "Yes mom, im living my dream dont cry mom, im going to make u proud and be the best daughter a mother could have" Ciara said. And so she did, after that, mitchshelby went to go visit zenya to see how they are doing and brought her twins, they are both 7 years old and in the second grade going to third, there birthday is in april and they had a play date with ciara. Ciara was delighted to play with her children. Zenya and mitchshelby had a little girl talk today while the kids played, and the our husbans went to work. "So zenya How are things with you and harry?" Mitchshelby asked, "It couldnt get any better then this, i have a daughter who is going to be successful singer just like her father!!!" zenya said , "Omg wow zenya life is going great for you, i mean look at you living in a big ass house" mitchshelby said, "Thanks i work hard, i play hard, and u play my cards right lol" zenya said. Zenya bragged on and on about how she was living the high life, after that we left zenya house and said our good byes and we'll visit tomorrow so we can talk about girl stuff. And so they left, alberto came home from work and asked a question for mitchshelby and tge kids. "Hey guys what do you think of getting a new house?" Alberto said, Everybodys heart collapsed. "Alberto, you dont know how excited i am to hear that!!!!"mitchshelby screamed. Mitchshelby hugged him really tight and he was saving some money for the house it was going to be a : 5 bed room, 3 bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a dinning room. Mitchshelby told zenya all about it, and after that they started packing early when they were moving out in two months. Today, after zenya Got up this morning she was feeling sad all of a sudden, Harry got up from bed and asked what was wrong. "Hey love whats the matter?" he asked, "I couldnt help but thinking about vanessa, im afraid she will escape and take you away from me" she said crying, "Hey, shh, shhh, shh, common now, she wouldnt reach us, she doeznt even know where we are, please dont worry about it, i will inform the police", said harry. Harry said that he will go to the police after work. When Zenya was getting a glass of water, she heard the phone ring.

Zenya: Hello

Annonymous: hehehe, Im here

Zenya: Who are you? and What are you talking about

Annonymous: I am your worst nightmare, dont deny what i am cause i am coming for you, hehe, i am the person that makes you shiver, im the person that makes your spine crack at night, hehehehehe i am Vanessa hahahahahaha and you can beat your ass im back. And you have two choices you ether get your ass kicked or you surrender harry to me the choice is yours, bye bitch, im coming. Then she hung up. Zenya was Worried as fuck, She quiclky told harry about what happened, and day after day, Zenya prepared her self by working out everyday and trained ciara to fight for zenya's place to avenge her mom, if any thing goes wrong. Harry on the other hand Was watching zenya work out and Harry had a type of feeling for Zenya, He looked at her like a Sexy chick, After she was done she jumped in the shower and asked harry if he wants to join her harry quickly said yes!! While ciara continued doing her push ups. And 2 weeks later both ciara and zenya became a little buff and was ready for zenya. Harry Was Crazy in love with they new zenya he saw, Zenya kept talking to harry in sexy ways you couldnt ever imagine. That night when zenya and the others were sleeping, Zenya heard a bang sound like someone was trying to break the door down, but they did and it was zenya and her crew, They trashed everything up, Zenya called alberto and mitchshelby, and vanessa found her.

    "hahaha oh look, the little bitch has come to die" vanessa said. they started fighting and vanessa was beating the shit out of her, luckly mitchshelby was there mitchshelby was shocked on how much vanessa has changed. Any way the fight continued mitchshelby and Zenya VS Vanessa. After Everybody was bloody and All fucked up, zenya was going to finsher her off with the k.o punch on her, but then she heard a gunshot from vanessa. VANESSA HAS SHOT ZENYA AND ZENYA FELL DOWN IN PAIN. "Hehehheheehehe Well your lucky i didnt kill you for good but this time i will!!!!" vanessa said. Mitchshelby through her across the room then through her out of the house, And VAnessa issued a warning, "If you think this is over your sadly mistaken, im going tk get harry weather you like or not, when you are out of the picture my revenge will be fufilled. Ciara came out of no where and knocked out VANESSA , VANESSA WAS Really hurt, Ciara made a vow to vanessa, if you ever come near my family again, Ill kill you , and i will bathe the arena with your blood after, then you can have the remains, now get the fuck out of my site you slutty ass bitch. Zenya was in the hospital.

      Will Zenya be able to recover from the clutches of vanesaa, and is what ciara said true is she going to kill vanessa? Find out next time on DUST IN THE WIND, CRONE CLAW, GOOD NIGHT EVERY BODY!!!!!

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