Chapter: 21

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Chapter: 21

We don't wanna neva end, it's like our life has just began. You walkin' out, you comin' back again 'cause we became the best of friends. I got all the questions you got all the answers. I don't took your heart boy and held it up for ransom.

//Future ft Kelly R. Neva End


9:35 pm
"It hurts." I cried in the hospital bed while holding a cup of ice chips. This pain was worst than Bre'yonna's birth, this shit hurt! I had been in labor for twelve hours and was only 6 centimeters dilated. I felt pain in my lower back, my thighs were throbbing and I had a painful headache.

"Just please get this baby out of me." I cried.

Shannon stayed by my bedside and held my hand. "I know booski I know it hurts but you have to push through it. Little man in there ready to come out."

"Shannon can you go to my apartment and check on Bre'yonna and Meky'l? He's there alone watching her." I said rubbing my stomach.

She nodded and gave me a kiss on my forehead before leaving the hospital room. I laid down in the hospital bed feeling the urge to push. It's like my body was doing it's own thing.

I pressed #7 on the phone to get my doctor in the room. When she came in the delivery room she checked my IV and the baby's monitors. After checking everything was good.

"Dr. Kelly I feel like I have to push like my body is just trying to push." I told her.

She smiled and nodded. "That's just a way your body is letting you know that you're about to deliver."

"Would you like the epidural?" She asked.

"NO." I raised my voice. "I want a natural birth doctor. No drugs or nothing to my baby."

She nodded.

"You're doing good Chanel just relax." Elijah said taking pictures of me.

I looked like hell. My hair was in this sloppy retarded looking bun, my eyes were drowsy because I hadn't slept in god knows how long and my lips were getting chapped I just looked disgusting. "Elijah don't take pictures of me!"

He stopped taking pictures and looked at the pictures he took. "Facebook and Instagram time."

I gave him a look from hell. "I will jump out this bed and kill you don't put those pictures on Facebook or Instagram."

"Too late." He teased.

"You're so lucky I'm in pain because I would've jumped out this bed and attacked you" I said rolling my eyes.

"You're now seven centimeters dilated. Three more to go." Dr. Kelly did a little victory dance.
1:45 am

"Alright Chanel you're ready to push!" Dr. Kelly said coming into the delivery room with three nurses.

I sat my ice chips down on the table and prepared myself for whats about to happen. Shannon was to my left and Elijah was to my right. All I needed through this time was Elijah and my best friend. Elijah and Shannon each had both of my legs in the air.

Dr. Kelly sat down on a chair and cupped her hands under my vagina. It was so awkward having my vagina exposed to the whole damn room. "Alright start on 1 and push until 10, okay?

I nodded.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 and release"

"Oh god!" I said as I stopped pushing.

"Don't make any noises because that's a way of releasing your energy. Instead keep the energy inside and use it to push." She smiled.

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 and release"

I stopped pushing and wiped the sweat off my forehead with a random towel sitting next to me.
3:27 am

"1...2...3...4...5...6...7... and we have a head!" Dr. Kelly excitedly screamed.

Something in my body just triggered me to push. Like I just had the urge of getting this damn baby out of me. This time was different, I pushed with all my might. Nearly three hours in labor was enough

"1...2... and it's a boy!" A nurse yelled.

I stopped pushing and threw my head back on the pillow. I was excited to see my baby but I was too exhausted to speak or even move. But the noise I've desperately been waiting to hear for nine months I finally heard. The cries of my first baby boy filled the room. The nurses quickly picked his little body up and carried him to the clean up station.

I looked at Elijah and smiled. "We did it."

"You did it" He smiled back.

I looked closely at his eyes and it looked like tears were starting to form and fall. "Are you crying?"

He wiped his eyes. "Nah."

The nurses picked up Jamari Caden Taylor and laid him on my chest. I kissed his pale skin and stared in his hazel eyes. He had a head full of long black curly hair, Elijah was right. His genes were dominant.

"Man he's so beautiful." I said staring at his eyes. He stared back at me with so much confusion, like he had been just brought into this whole new world and was so confused.

"Wassup little man." Elijah said taking pictures.

I handed Elijah the baby and laid my head down on the pillow. I was so exhausted and needed some sleep. I laid my hands on my stomach and smiled at the fact that my stomach was now flat.

"I'm taking a nap." I said before turning over and dozing off into a powerful sleep.

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