✺ Prologue ✺

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This prologue is written in an omniscient approach for specific purposes. The first chapter and beyond is captured in third-limited perspectives. 

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"Please, I'm s-s-sorry... It was a mistake, p-p-please." The hunter held himself up on quivering knees, his moist eyes struggling to see before him. The trickling rain streamed down his ashen-pale cheeks, but they could not mask the tears that so fiercely escaped his eyes.

A low, taunting chuckle was the response to his pleas. The tall, slender figure began circling him, her movement's sensual and steady. The company of night assisted in keeping her appearance hidden. Her long, raven cloak trailed behind her while her sharp heels barely made a sound against the concrete. A large hood shielded her entire face, revealing nothing in its shadows.

The hunter shivered as his eyes followed her, his head twitching to her every slow, daunting step. Although he was gripped with fear, he squinted his eyes, desperately trying to sneak a peek at the fearsome winged power he had so recently hunted. It was rare for a hunter to become prey, reversing the roles.

"I swear," he began, clearing his throat in hope to steady his words, "no one else knows. We-we were the only ones," he explained.

Her stalking came to a halt in front of him. Thick shadows still concealed her identity.

"We were fools to attack you," he confessed, stealing a glance at the lifeless bodies of his mates scattered around the vacant park. Some laid along the pavement, while others met their demise on the brown-turning grass.

Before his eyes, their forms began to trickle apart. The dismantling of their bodies was unsettling yet familiar, like the crushing of leaves in autumn, withering away from the flesh until it was shattered into specks of smoky dust. Their remains disappeared into the cool, night air, forgotten and erased from this world for all eternity. An after-effect of being eliminated by the hand of an Inusir.

The hunter's gut clenched as he felt sharp pains, like daggers, slashing about his insides. His chest felt tight and his modified heart was beating faster than a human mind could process.

"No one else knows, you say?" the Inusir whispered, her voice sensual, with an undertone that could kill.

The hunter seemed shocked to hear the Inusir speak, nevertheless, he responded. "No one."

"A shame," the Inusir sighed. "I was hoping for more toys."

"Please. I know now, your power is un-unlike anything I..." He slowly raised his shaky arms towards her in a display of surrender. "S-sorry I am, p-please..." His cool-blue eyes still flooded with desperate tears.

She stood, silent, her face completely hidden. With trembling hands, the hunter swiped at his eyes, hoping to clear the view. How was it that the shadows seemed even darker around her face? An unnatural abyss. Was there a face at all?

The rain's droplets increased, racing to meet the pace of his heart. It was almost comforting, the familiar sounds around him. Almost.

"Please," he muttered once more.

And in the shadows of her hood, a bright grin emerged.

In a flash, an abrupt gasp left his chest from an unexpected force. He was raised several feet off the ground, held by a gloved hand that gripped the neck of his shirt. He was now up close and far too personal with the hooded predator.

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