6❚ A Proposal

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Ahzrael's gaze never left the Inusir's eyes, which were laced with a warning that forbade him from proceeding any closer. Her eyes briefly left his, scanning from left to right. Watching her steady expression, it was as if she was trying to recall a thought or a departed memory.

"How did I get here?" she asked, her gaze peeling back to his.

When she spoke, her words pooled out of her lips like a graceful yet powerful river. It was a distinct voice, unlike any he'd ever known and a voice that would be hard to forget.

"You were attacked. Assaulted," he replied, dancing along the truth. She was attacked, just not the way she would ever think, or ever find out.

"Assaulted?" she scoffed in disbelief. "Why am I being attacked when I've done nothing to anyone," she contested. There was a rumble in her tone and the ground softly shuddered. Her brows furrowed, eyes searching for answers.

Ahzrael couldn't help but take heed to her words. It was truly done. Inusirs were known to taunt and tease, but never so far as to claim innocence. They were never innocent, and they took pride in that.

"I don't have that answer. Some beings just strive to bring pain to all and any. You were left for dead, then we found you," he said, in the most earnest tone, his golden eyes tranquil.

She observed him more, her face an array of emotions: bewilderment, vigilance, distrust. One of them should've been dead by now, but he sensed no lethal intentions emanating from her.

A small breath escaped her lips. She was a sure distance away, where no less-superior ears would be able to hear. But for Ahzrael, he heard her sullen breath as if she were only centimeters from him.

She spun half-way, her silver hair swaying with her motions. "I must leave this place," she announced, calm but commanding. There was an unfathomable strength in her, perhaps a strength she was not fully aware of.

Ahzrael guardedly took another step. This time, her head did not move, her body did not flinch, but he knew she sensed it.

"Alright. But I'd like to help you first... maybe we can help each other," he stated, wary. He wasn't used to having to choose his words with such caution. He confirmed to himself that the Inusir had no knowledge of her kind, but these were still mysterious waters.

"Help me?" she questioned, her long cloak lazily moved in the steady wind.

"Yes. The creatures, the... beasts who did this to you, they've hurt many people. And there are others, others that prey on the weak and torture the innocent," he paused, holding himself from going too far.

He waited for her reaction, any reaction. Nothing. He still had her ear and he needed to use it wisely. "And you... they wanted to murder you, to rid you of this universe because you stood against them." There. The explanation was planted, but would it be enough? His penetrating eyes watched her fiercely, preparing for her response.

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