Chapter 9

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A/N: hi!! Plz, vote for who she should like. I wanna get this done and out of the way early so plz vote. Just a few more weeks left of school and I'm home free. Just accept my parents will load chores on me. Yay. Plz comment. Another mention for my friend, RevvyShadows, she is writing this AWESOME story called Karma, and, I'm addicted. So please check her out!

Last chapter

As she was walking back, she heard a snap of a twig but kept walking.

After a while, she turned around and said, "I know you're there."

A dark figure came out of the darkness, shocking her of who it was.


Akira POV

There, in front of me stood the most emo person I've ever met... Sasuke (duckbutt) Uchiha.

He only stood there with his hands in his pockets, as if studying me. After a while, his eyes landed on my bandages knuckles.

"What happened to your hands," he asked bluntly.

I brought my hand up to my face to study, going cross-eyed, "training."

"What kind of training," he asked more rough, clearly getting aggravated.

I put my bandaged hand on my chest sarcastically and said, "Does the great Uchiha actually care about someone," I said, knocking my head back slightly.

He only narrowed his eyes at my comment. Then I said, "fine, I punched a tree until it broke! Geez, get off my back, will ya?!"

He only scoffed, turned around and started walking. After a few seconds, he stopped and turned his torso to face me and said, "you coming?"

I quickly stumbled up to him, making sure to stay a few feet behind him. We walked for a little bit, and may I add with awkward silence. We kept walking for a while, but then he stopped, making me almost bump into him.

When I looked up, I realized that we were back at the clearing I was at a few minutes ago. Then, he started walking again and stopped in the center of the clearing and laid down in the grass. Following his flow, I did the same.

We just lied down for a while, watching the stars go by. I was sitting so still, I could feel the earth moving. It was cool.

Man, I just left here, and then came back because of a stupid, emo duckbutt. UGH! I still don't forgive him for what he did with the tree exercise. At least I got to the top.

"Akira," I was jolted out of my thoughts when I heard him speak.


"Why were you out here?"

"Just, you know," I started awkwardly, "letting off some steam. You," I asked him, looking at a different star.

"Thinking. And Naruto snores too loud." At this I slightly chuckled.

"Sakura keeps on talking in her sleep, saying 'Sasuke-Kun, Sasuke-Kun' every few seconds," I said, slightly warming up to him.

"Can I ask you something," he asked.

"Go ahead."

"All the other girls like me, but you and that quiet girl don't. Why?"

"Well, this list goes on forever," I could feel him roll his eyes, "but your cocky, emo, too focused on revenge, a duckbutt, etc," I said, holding up my fingers.

"But," he started, sitting up, "what are my pluses?"

"Do you want me to answer honestly, if the way you want me to answer," I asked sarcastically, also sitting up.


"Hmm... I guess you're a little hot, and.... that's it," I dead panned.

He only rolled his eyes. I then looked up at the sky, noticing it was almost sun-up.

"I guess we better start heading back," I said, and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Sasuke called, a little OOC.

"Hm?" I turned to face him slightly.

"Let's spar, and see who's the stronger one," he asked, smirking slightly, thinking that he would win.

"Fine. What do we win?"

He smirked more, "braggers rights."

We got into position, about six feet away from each other. He put his left foot out, probably to trick me, but it's obvious he is right handed. I just stood there.

He charged, pulling out a kunai. When he was a few feet away, I side stepped, dodging easily.

"Use your sword," he commanded, "let me see your true power."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't think you are worthy for it, this is saved to some other people."

He growled and charged in, only a little less concentrated. He got his kunai ready, but made the mistake of blinking. I quickly pulled back my fist and punched him, only for me to be in more pain than him.

I screamed bloody murder, completely forgetting my damaged knuckles. I fell onto my knees and pulled my hand to my chest, tears straining to stay in my eyes.

When Sasuke looked up, he widened his eyes and came over to me, giving me a chance to see the hand print on his face.

"Damn, that hurt," he started, "but I heard a crack. That can't be good."

I gave him a "no shit, Sherlock" look.

"We have to get you back to the house," he said, picking me up bridal style.

"You're enjoying this way too much, duckbutt. I can walk, I didn't hurt my legs, ya know," I said, getting out of his arms.

After a while of walking, he slowed down a bit and asked, "so... who won?"

I smirked and said, "I did, I was already hurt before this, and you fell."

He grumbled some incoherent words under his breath, making me smile. Tonight wasn't that bad.


This doesn't mean that Sasuke will end up with her, just thought it was a good idea. I also have something for you to try.

Go to google translate
Type in "will Naruto ever die"
Translate from English to Greek
Copy translation
Translate from Greek to English

This was the best thing I've ever done with it. TRY IT!!!!!!!

Word count: 1003

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