3. Strange

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I woke up with my brother Laying on top of me, Not a good sight I must say.

"Jack, Get off of me!" He awoke with a jolt and fell of the bed, I held in my laughter and offered my hand to him.

"Are you ok Bro, that was a nasty fall" He looked up at me and glared

"It's not f-f-funny ok" I raised my hands in a surrender way and got off my bed.

"I wasn't laughing, Just smiling erratically." He stuck his middle finger up at me and got up, using my bed as help.

"God, I-I-I have such a h-h-headache" He sat down on the side of my bed, holding his head in his hands.

I chuckled and went to my draw to grab some Panadol.

"I'll be back in a minute, stay put" He didn't answer.

I walked out my door slowly, making sure I didn't Wake my parents who were likely asleep. The mornings were where the beatings were less likely to happen, Because they had such a giant hangover.

I tip-toed to the sink and grabbed a glass which I think was clean and filled It with water from the tap.

I turned the tap off and As I went round the bench I hit my hand and felt a sharp pain from my wrist, then I remembered yesterday, The cold feeling of the blade and the Blood seeping through the tissue. I quickly pput the glass down and pulled my sleeve up. I was right, the tissue was covered in my blood, I unwrapped the tissue, It was sticking to my cut so I was pulling my skin and it stung really bad.

I then stared at the scar going to form, It was covered in dry blood and redness. I threw the tissue in the bin and grabbed the glass again, creeping up to my bedroom.

I walked through the door to see my brother, staring at a photo of me, him and my sister. He hit his hand on the wall beside him and put down the photo roughly. I cleared my throat and he sharply turned around, His anger was replaced with a small smile when he saw the pills in my hand.

"A-a-are they for m-m-me?" He stuttered, I nodded my head yes and he sat on the bed, I handed the pills and he put them in his mouth, then I passed him the water.

Once they were gone, I'm sure anyway, He stayed still for a second, then stood up and began to make my bed.

"It's ok, I'll do it" I walked over beside him and took the pillow from his hand and started pulling my doona back up and placed the pillows on top.

He watched my everymove, then sat back down on the bed once I was finished.

"I-I-I-I could have done it" I just smiled warmly at him and shook my head, He put his arms around my waist and hugged me. I put my arms around his neck and rested my cheek on his head. He started to cry and I squeezed his harder.

"S-s-she shouldn't have w-w-went through that, S-s-she didn't need that torture, And y-y-you won't be n-n-next"

His arms tightened around my waist

"He c-c-can't take you a-a-away from me aswell" I rose my head confused

"Who, what are you talking about"

He didn't answer so I stood back from him and stared into his eyes

"What did you mean Jack" He had tears falling without notice, I wiped them away.

"I have to go" He stood up and walked out my door, closing it

What did he mean?


So.. what did he mean.

Okay, Heres the deal, sometimes Ill write, sometimes I wont. Im very forgetful and have alot of shit going on. so If I rememeber. Ill deffs type another chapter if not, I will eventually, Please stay and support me though :) if you want to. if not then foohey :( :) Bye

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