Chapter 13

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When i wake up the next morning Aiden is laying next to me. I feel a little nausiius vut it has subsided for the most part. I go and get up taking care of my bisness. I throw on a pair of light blue skinni jeans and then put on a plane navy blue shirt. I throw my hair in a bun amd slip on a pink sweatshirt as the wheather is starting to cool off. I go and grab the girls and get them dressed in a pair of black leggings and a jean like long slieve shirt. I throw on a pair of red convers and put their hair ini 2 french braids. When I have finally finished I give Aiden a kiss goodbye and tell him to meet me at my brothers house when he finishes his shift at school. I drop the girls off with eathan and head for starbucks. I have them leave the drink blank and when I get it I put " I dont have any sisters so you get to be Auntie." And put it in the cup holder of my car. When I finally get to school I look for Cami and find her by her locker. She is looking at her phone and I sneek up behing her placing the drink in her line of vision. She looks at it and thankfully takes it. She reads the writing and starts squeeling. She goes to say something but I out my hand over her mouth to stop her.

 "No one but you, Aiden, and the crew know so please don't say anything I have to find a way to tell the others just please dont spoil it."

She simply nods her head as th others make their way over to her and i.

"Shouldnt you be at home?" Noah asks a hint of anger in his voice.

"And why would that be?" I ask.

"Jacob said you puked last night." Lucas states.

"I'm fine okay just pleaase let me get to class I have already missed enough school just leave me be." I say.

None of them like when I get sick and they all get ten times more protective but right now I just need to get my work done. Plus they will realise soon enough.

When I make it to my class I sit down and listen to his lecture. I go through the day excited for after school is over. I don't know how thry are going to react. The fact that I am now pregnant again is shocking and I really should be more careful but I love Aiden and he loves me and he treats me so kindly. I couldn't have asked for a better husband.

The last bell of the day rings and I go out to my car not waiting for anyone and drive to the place I once called and still call home. The girls come running up to me the second I walk through the door. I bend down and give them a hug. 

"Hi girlies how was your day?" I ask looking at them.

"Good! Ethan gave us candy." Camilea says.

"You wernt suposed to tell mommy that." Eathan says.

"Oops." SHe responds not an ounce of guilt in her blue little eyes.

She runs off her sister following suit. Eathan comes up to me and embraces me in a hug.

"How are you feeling?"He asks sincerly.

"I'm feeling fine a little tired but other than that Im doing fine. I say walking over to the freezer and taking out an ice cube. I start to munch on it. Eathan walks in following suit and looks at me strangely. 

"Is that Ice cube good?" He asks.

"Actually yes." I chuckle.

"I havent seen you chewing on an ice cube since you were-"He starts.

"Hey Eathaan, sis,."Jacob says.

Eathans eyes widden as he puts two and two together. I look at him telling him to keep his mouth shut.

"are you okay Eathan you look like you've seen a ghost." jacob jokes.

"Yeah I just realised something I'm going to go upstairs let me know when dinner is done I need some time alone." He says glaring at me before he leaves to go upstairs.

"What was that about?" Jacob asks.

"Nothing I'll go talk to him." I say following after eathan.

I knock before going into his room. he is sitting on his bed staring at the wall in front of him.

"Ethan?" I ask.

"What do you want?" He asks coldly.

"I don't get why you are so mad Ethan." I say.

"Maybe because you are pregnant!" He whisper yells.

"That was my decision and you know what I am no longer a little girl I am getting married and news flash I already have a child." I respond.

"Yeah but you sent them to be raised with someone else." He says.

A ping of guilt hits me as he says that. I look at him tears filling my eyes.

"Don't worry the chance that I will actually be able to have this kid is slim because of what i've been through so don't worry I can take care of myself. i have after all been through Hell while you were doing what? Oh yeah thats right you were drinking every damn night and then trying to be my parent the next morning with a fucking hangover. and I didn't abandon my children I had someone look after them because I couldn't do it alone and I didn't want to screw up their lives. So be mad all you want but it's not my fault you are mad at me for finally moving on and being happy." I say frustrated as tears start to fall.

He looks at me empathy full in his eyes. 

"And if you feel so strongly about this maybe we shouldn't talk anymore." I whisper before walking out of the room crying more and more. my stonsch starts to hurt as I walk farther away from my brother. Someone who I love and looked up to someone I respected but maybe he has some thinking to do. I walk out of the house without another word and go to the wherehouse despite my name being called. I get to my office and pull out a bottle of vodka. I look at it staring at it not moving. Do I drink? I pick up the bboottle and throw it at the wall it shttering at the same time I scream. Ethan runs into the office and sees me on my knees as I cry. my stomach hurts at seeing him and the urge to puke is strong. I mannage to get myself up and to the bathroom before emptying my stomach.Eathan rubs my back.

"I was wrong love, I am so happy for you and I am sorry for what I said at the house it was uncalled for and I should really have been  better brother. I was a butt and so for that I'm sorry." He says.

"I don't know what I would do without you." I say hugging him as I cry.

"I'm not going anywhere so don't worry about it. Okay?" He says.

"Okay." I respond.

"Why dont we get you to downstairs and tell the others?" He asks.

I nod my head and make my way downstairs. I go to my car just as Aiden pulls up. We grab the boxes and walk into the house having all of the guys there and have them go into the living room. I hand each of them a box and they all open it at the same time. They all look at the little onsie that says guess what on it as well as the ultrasound the doctor gave me yesteday.

"Holy s**t." michael says.

I look at all of their faces and all of them seem to be confliceted except eathan and Alex. Jacb stands up his face stone cold. He walks over to me and gives me a hug. He starts crying. I hug him back.

"That's why you were sick last night?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"you are so grown up mom and dad woud be proud and this time it's with the right guy so I'm okay with it but sis all I wanted was for you to have a childhood and that war robbed from you." He says tears falling from his eyes.

"You made it possible so I could have any childhood at all so stop." I say tears filling my own eyes.

"Okay enough you two I want a hug." Michael says pulling me in for a hug.

"My little sister is all grown up." He says pulling away.

They each give me a hug and the rest of the night is spent around the people I love most in the whole world and would give my life for.

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