Chapter 3: Living With Him

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Gray POV

I woke up early and looked at Snow. She was still asleep. I moved out of bed being careful to not wake her up. I kissed her on the forehead and stuck on a shirt and a jacket. I started heading to the guild. I walked in there and the whole guild started staring at me.

"Uh," I said. "What's wrong?" Flame Brain and Lucy came up to me while everybody continued what they were doing. 

"So," said Lucy. "How'd it go?" What did she mean?......Oh, the cliff over the ocean.

"Let's just say Snow's my girlfriend now," I said. Lucy and Flame Brain cheered. 

"Woo Hoo!" shouted Lucy. "We did it Natsu!" The guild started cheering when Snow walked in out of breath and panting. 

"What's wrong Snow?" I asked full of worry.

"Gray," she said. "They're searching for me." I started to get mad. 

"Who's searching for you?" I asked.

"," she said. Still panting. I heard running and yelling outside and got in front of her.

Gray POV

Two people came in and walked into the guild.

"Come on Snow," said one of them. He had green hair and blue eyes. 

"No," she said. I turned to her and grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 

"I'll protect you," I whispered in her ear. "Trust me."

The green haired guy started walking towards me. 

"Ice Make: Lance!" I said, letting go of Snow's hand. He wasn't expecting it, so I cut him on his arms and face. 

"Gray!" shouted Snow. "Don't!"

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because" she said. "They can kill you instantly." I went wide-eyed and shook my head to indicate I wouldn't fight them anymore. 

---Time Skip---

Snow POV

They had finally left. Luckily nobody was hurt. I and Gray were in the middle of a hug.

"I'm glad they didn't harm you," he said. 

"Me too," I said. 

"What were their names?" he asked.

"Sparrow and Eagle," I said. He nodded his head. 

"I wanna ask you something," he said. I nodded my head.

"Do you wanna live with me?" I started to blush. I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled nervously. 

"S-sure," I said. 

---Time Skip---

Gray POV

Snow and me were walking over to my house. Now hers too. Our hands were intertwined. We got to the house and went in. I kissed on her forehead and sat on the couch and then took my shirt off. 

She sat beside me and snuggled into my chest.

"I love you, Snow," I said. 

"I love you too," said Snow.

Snow POV

I got up and went to bed. I was laying in the bed starting to go to sleep when I felt Gray's warm arms wrap around me and we cuddled. I smiled and soon went to sleep.


Hey. Sry if u think this chapter is short. XD.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and more is coming soon. <3

Good-bye. Meow ^ ^ 0w0

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