Chapter 8: Cherry Blossoms

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It is now time for the special surprise that I told you about the last chapter. Enjoy!!! And for the picture. Act like that is Gray and Snow by how I describe them thank you.


Gray POV

I walked out of the store and got on the next train to Magnolia. The train ride was surprisingly shorter than I thought it would be. 

I got off of the train and started walking to Fairy Tail. But, I stopped and started walking to me and Snow's house. I hid what I bought and then headed to Fairy Tail. When I walked in Snow attacked me with a hug.

"Gray!" she said. "Where have you been?"

"I was still in Fiore," I explained. "But don't worry, I was just checking some things out." I was hoping she wouldn't figure out I was lying.

Luckily, she smiled and she went and sat back down dragging me with her. 

"Hey Snow?" I said. 

"Yeah?" said Snow.

"Can you meet under the cherry blossom tree at 8:00?" I asked. 

"Sure," she said.

---Time Skip---

Snow POV

It was 6:00. I was over at Lucy's house with Erza. I was in a blue dress with snow blue flowers. Lucy was fixing my hair while Erza was going through the jewelry I brought in a bag with me to pick something out. 

"There!" said Lucy. I looked in the mirror. My hair was braided, well, not all of it, but some of my hair was braided and pulled into a cute little ponytail. Wait a second. 

"Lucy!" I shouted. "This is how my hair always looks you little terd!" 

Lucy was trying to stifle her laughter but failed. 

"I know!" she said. "That hairstyle looks really cute on you. I'ma just fix your bangs up here."

She started fixing up my bangs, but she took my headband off. My eyes followed it to where my bandana was placed. 

"Okay....done!" she said. I turned around and saw my bangs were arranged in a cute little way.

"Thanks," I said. I kept looking at my bandana and headband.

"Here," Erza said. She was handing me a necklace, bracelet, and earrings she had picked out. 

"Thanks," I said again.

"Why do you keep looking at your headband and bandana?" asked Lucy and Erza at the same time.

"Don't worry about it."

Gray POV

It was 7:00. I was getting ready for me and Snow's date. 

"And...I look good," I said to myself. I was messing around with my hair and clothes until I checked the time. 

"Dang it." It was 7:50. "I gotta go." I went and grabbed the piece of jewelry I had hidden. I had forgotten Winter was home. 

"Can I see what's in the bag?" she asked.

"How," I said. She scoffed. "Maybe later."


I smiled and went on my way to the cherry blossom tree. I saw Snow there. Aww, she looked so beautiful.

"Snow!" I called. "Hey!"

"Gray!" she said.

Snow POV

I watched Gray walk over to me.  He told me to close my eyes so I did. He kissed me for a really long time. Then, he stopped. 

"Snow," he said. "Every time I see you, you make me smile, you are the sunshine to my day and every time I look into your eyes, I see our future. So, I was wondering--" He stopped. 

"What is it?" I asked, my eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes," he said gently in his deep voice. I opened them and saw him on one knee. This can't be happening. Oh my Lord!

"I was wondering," he started back. "Would you make me the happiest man on Earth, and marry me?" I started getting teary-eyed. It took me a minute to process what he had just said. 

"Yes," I said. "YES! Of course!" He stood up and put the ring on my hand. It was beautiful! There were two hearts on it. One was snow blue, which resembled me, and the other one was raven blue, resembling Gray.

"It's beautiful," I said. "Thank you." That's when we heard cheering. I looked around and saw the whole guild there. Watching us. I saw Winter smiling, looking so happy for me. 

"I love you, Snow," Gray said. "And I'm happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

Cherry blossoms were falling off of the tree on top of us. Gray picked one up and gave it to me. It was the most beautiful flower I've ever seen in my life.

"You look a million times more beautiful than that flower," Gray said. I smiled at him and gave him long hug. He put the flower in my hair behind my ear. 

---Time Skip---

Gray POV

"You may now kiss the bride," Gramps said. I looked at Snow and brought her into a long kiss. She was my wife now. Winter was cheering the loudest out of anybody. Juvia was actually clapping and looking happy for me and Snow. I heard she got together with Lyon.

---Time Skip---

It was about 5 months after me and Snow's wedding. Me and her were cuddling in our bed. Winter was luckily at Fairy Tail with Romeo and Wendy. I kissed Snow and didn't stop. 

Then I took my shirt and pants off and then turned out the lights.


Kay. So now you know that Gray wanted to propose. Yay!!! 

And since I said no lemon, I stopped the book here. I would've killed myself.

Jk.....Rowling. Anyway, 


Meow ^ ^ 0w0

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