Chapter 4

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Bailey's POV

"Hey can you zip my dress up?" I asked in a pleading voice as I struggled with the zipper.

No matter how many times I reached, my hands could never fully grasp the cool metallic thingy.

"Yeah, sure."

Liz walked over from her vanity counter and smoothly zipped my dress up while tucking in the tag.

"You my friend, look like you just walked straight off the runway and into our apartment!" Liz complimented me while she twisted her hair into a perfect sock bun on top of her head.

I laughed at her compliment and continued to apply blush to my cheeks. My black, sleeveless dress somehow made my boobs huge and my waist tiny. Its mid-thigh length had me pulling it down like crazy.

"Do you wanna just borrow a pair of my tights so you don't look like you're pulling a wedgie all night?"

Liz raised her eyebrows and tried to fight off her smile.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny but I seriously might change because this is just getting annoying."

I huffed out a final sigh before grabbing my red lipstick. My hair was unruly-as expected and I only had time to straighten it for a little while before letting Liz use the plug for her curler.

She rolled her eyes and applied light pink lip gloss to her lips and puckered her face before blinking in satisfaction.

My lips were slightly darker and a tad fuller. It helped the contrast with my dark hair and blue eyes.

"Okay-you ready?" She asked while grabbing her purse and slipping on a pair of black stilettos.

Dammit Liz. Why did everything you wear look so perfect?

"Yep" I popped the "p" and finished the touch ups on my hair before putting MY feet into a pair of red high heels with spikes on the back that I got for $7 at a thrift shop in Wisconsin.

We walked out the door and started making our way to the elevator before I ran back inside to get my purse.

"Phew" I jested as I came back out "that could've been bad."

The taxi drive only took about ten minutes and before we knew it we were on the west side of town and could see the neon lights from a block away.

"Shit Liz! There is no way we're getting in there! Do you see how many people are in that line??"

The bouncer with a clipboard in hand stood in front of a line of people impatiently waiting to get into the club that stretched down the street.

"Relax. There's a backdoor entrance where my buddy Tom is waiting to let us in."

"Whatever you say Liz."

I scoffed at her but sure enough, she led me to the back door entrance that read 'exit only' and we were brought to the dance floor.

"Nicely done, Liz. I have to say I was felling skeptical towards your plan of action."

She took a bow...which might have flashed a few people but hey-who's keeping count?

"You look like you could use a drink."

I whirled around to find Liz gone but standing in her place an attractive male who was yet to be identified from the strobe lights and pounding music.

"Ya think so?" I questioned. Trying to avoid the gaze of bright green eyes and curly dark hair of the tall boy who stood directly in front of me.

His tall gaze no doubt used to an advantage to look down my dress.

"I know so." His raspy voice echoed through my head as I saw his eyes flicker to my chest.

I crossed my arms over my cleavage and stared right back into the green sea of pupils and spat in his face.

"Yeah well you thought wrong."

I quickly spun on my heel but was forced back around by a tight grip to my forearm.

"You see, that's the thing about Americans" he paused and smirked at my petrified being, "they never do as they are told."

His eyes held a glint of mischievousness and I was captivated in his gaze for only a split second.

"Fuck the hell off pervert."

He simply laughed at my reply.

"You never hit me as a girl with so much spunk now did you, love?"

"Well I can hit you with a bunch of other things if you don't get the hell out of my face."

I slipped from his hold and weaved my way through the sweaty bodies of people groping and grinding each other to their heart's content.

"Gross." I muttered to myself as I wedged myself out of a grope-fest and out by the bar.

I had a nice timeWhere stories live. Discover now