Chapter 5

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Bailey's POV

As I stumbled over the grinders to my left and made it out to the bar, a pair of hands grabbed my forearms to keep me from tipping over.

"What the fuck do you not understand about get-"

I stopped mid-sentence when I looked up to see a different guy from earlier with baby blue eyes and blonde hair looking down at me questionably.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I thought you were someone else." I gushed while trying to stop staring at his gorgeous face.

"It's alright now. I don't mind."

I glanced down to see his hands still on my arms and he quickly removed them.

"Can I buy you a drink?"


He asked the bartender for two shots as I twisted nervously in my seat.

"So, just a random guess but I'd say you're not exactly from London let alone England itself."

"Well I'm originally from California but moved to Wisconsin when I was eight."

He raised his eyebrows,

"And how old are you now?"

"I'm 18, and you?"

"20. Now what's your name again?"

I downed another shot as he ordered for another.

"Ummmmmmm....I'm pretty sure my name is Baillleeeeyyy."

I slurred the words. My body growing unresponsive by the minute.

"Oh hi Bailey. I'm Wilson."

"Heeeey Wilsssson."

"So why did you move here?"

I wearily responded after downing my second shot.

Second? I am not a lightweight and I'm pretty sure these drinks were not just filled with vodka.

"My parents and ex-boy friend are just reeealllllyyyy fucked up so I had to get out as soon as I finished high school."

By now I was flat out drunk. D-r-u-n-k.

I slipped out of the bar stool and landed flat on my ass.

"HAHAHA did you see that?!"

I began laughing until my sides hurt.

"Okay why don't I take you back to mine, yeah?"

"No j-just bring me to my friennnnd."

He ignored my request and held most of my body weight while forcing me to walk forward.

"Wha-what are you- noooo stahhpp."

He dragged me out of the back entrance I came out of and in front of a grey Ford explorer.

I couldn't even spit out a sentence. My emotions and thoughts were clouded way more than usual when I drank.

A single tear slipped down my cheek as I was forced into the back of his car.

I couldn't stand up, let alone sit up so I just laid there and closed my eyes.

He turned on the car and sped out of the back parking lot. I couldn't see through the window because my head was down, but I could see the front seat of the car.

On it was a huge pile of rope, a gun, and a blindfold.

I mustered a whimper out of myself as he sped down the freeway.

What have I gotten myself into?


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