Chapter 3

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Bailey's POV

"No, No No! Please! Don't come near me! Please, just leave me alone!" I tossed and turned in my bed and woke up to the cold splash of water all over my face.

"Bailey, Bae, Bailey, hey hey, listen to me, shhh, you're okay. Your parents and Todd aren't here, shhh don't worry you're safe." The soothing sound of Liz's voice brouht me back to reality and I abruptly sat up in my bed. She went to get me a cold wash cloth and I saw that my alarm was going to off right about...

"Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Be-"

Now. My dream was actually a good dream but I instictively believed I was back home with my worst nightmare.

"Ugh. Why." I groaned. I turned my alarm off and rolled back over on my bed. To my dismay, I was not in Harry Styles' top notch apartment suite but instead in my tiny apartment complex with a tiny bed with my timy roomate Elizabeth barging through my room.

"Get up! These legs aren't going to run themselves!"

"But sleep was so much fun and I had the BEST dream." I began to protest but was no match for her strength. Her five foot, two inch frame was a hoax for her undefying strength. With all of her might, Liz hoisted me up and whipped her straight blonde hair straight into my face. Her cunning blue eyes peered into mind as I sank back into the fluffy white mattress.

"Jesus Liz-since when did you of all people get so strong?"

"More like 'when did you get so weak?'"

"Here, I already laid out your running stuff and we will get coffee once we finish our workout. You can tell me all about this dream at the cafe." She rolled her eyes mellowdramatically and stalked out of my room.

"Alright, alright. I'm going, I'm going." I rolled out of bed and padded over to my closet. I looked down at my legs and noted that I needed to shave before we went to the club tonight. I put on my green running shorts and pulled a white tank top over my head. My brown, rib-cage length hair was wavy and untamable as I tried brushing it out.

"Screw it" I muttered as I threw my brush on the ground and bent over to contain my hair into a high pony tail with a headband so it would stay out of my face.

"Okay let's go." Liz cheerfully opened the door and we bounded down the complex stairs and onto the busy streets of London.

We ran through so many streets that the miles and streest signs all became jumbled into one gigantc and confusing labryrinth of twists and turns.

Finally, Liz turned a corner and we were met by my favorite cafe staring us in the face.

Once inside, I ordered my usual black coffee and cranberry scone as Liz looked at my coffee with a face of distaste and went on to order her caramel macchiato.

We sat outside and chatted about our summer plans when I decided to bring up my dream.

"So, I was in a car wreck an-"

"Were you in a car wreck because of him?"

"If you would let me finish I would tell you!" She rolled her eyes playfully and continued sipping her coffee.

"Anyway, no I was avoiding some animal, I think, and I swerved the car so I wouldn't hit it. Then, there was glass everywhere and there were cuts on my face and ear and I was screaming bloody murder for God's sake I was scared! Then this figure ran towards me and I like 'passed out', because the next thing I knew I was this guy with a sister named Gemma who was carrying my body up the stairs to his apartment. 'Gemma', or whatever her name, was somehow there and all I remember is him running down to the lobby asking for a first aide kit!"

Liz stared at me for a while before speaking,

"Well, that was quite a night! My dream was litterally me having sex with James 'cause well, I had sex with him two hours earlier!" I quickly shut my ears while covering my ears and she laughed, spitting her coffee all over the table wich sent several glares our way. We stifled our laughs as we quickly got our things and sprinted out the door.

"Guess we won't be going back there any time soon!" Liz giggled and we turned around to see the manager walking outside and heading straight for us. We sprinted around the block and I tripped over a trashcan which caused Liz to double over in laughter.

'I-think-we-lost-him." She tried to contain herself and speak between her fits of laughter before we walked back to our apartment to get ready for the club tonight.

I had a nice timeWhere stories live. Discover now