Chapter 1

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Dreams were always so beautiful, so poetic. Baring our hearts wide for us to see when we refuse to see through ourselves. Poetic visions of the most random things our mind wishes us to see when the world around us sleeps. Dreams could mean so much without us realising it.

It was a child's dream that I'm in now. A sweet little kid with a rose in her heart and the world as her playground. She's about 4 years old, Asian, and she's wearing the cutest little pigtails that I envy.

Her innocence is so beautiful. I miss those days when I was that beautiful.

She seems to be riding a unicorn, and I let out a chuckle as I see the unicorn riding a pumpkin. Kids have sunshine lacing their imagination and it's always so entrancing to watch.

Suddenly, things turn cold.

The horse turns to lava and the world turns dark and the girl looks scared.

She crying and wailing, desperate to go but unable to leave. She looks so small.

Manipulating dreams is a tiring job. Dreams are the works of our mind and soul and to manipulate something like that is always hard. But I can't watch a ray of sunlight drown.

I try, with all that I have, to change the dream. Turn it it something else. I reach for the girls essence, trying my best to pull out what'll be good for her. I smile when I'm successful.

The darkness fades away and everything goes until it's just the girl and me. This is what I don't like about manipulating dreams, my presence is clear then.

"Hi," The girl says timidly, still scared from her dream.

"Hi," I say back, crouching next to her.

"Who are you?" the girl asks, looking at me timidly. She looks so scared.

"I'm Amelia. And you?" I say back, smiling slightly.

"I'm Kim," she tells me, her timidness absolutely adorable.

"Well, Kim, you're a very pretty princess," I inform her, looking down at her dress and giving her a smile.

"Thank you," she says shyly, seeming to have gotten over her fear.

I sit down next to her and she does the same, sitting cross-legged before looking at me with her big eyes. She's adorable.

"Are you real?" she asks me and I laugh.

"I don't know, am I?" I ask her, smiling teasingly.

"I want you to be. You made the bad monster go away," she says, looking just a bit frightened. I don't want her to have to grow up and face those alone.

"One day, you'll be strong enough to kill the bad monster yourself," I tell her.

"But I'm a princess. The princess is not supposed to kill the monster," she says, frowning at me.

"Darling, you'll learn that the princess is her own hero. Do you want to sit in a tower and be all bored there?" I ask her, shaking her hair a little.

"No, that sounds boring," she says, pouting.

"It does, doesn't it? So what do you do? Wait around for a random knight to save you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"No," she says, thinking. She suddenly lights up and starts hitting my arm in her excitement. I let out a chuckle. She's just so adorable.

"I know! I'll make the dragon my pet! And since he's the biggest and strongest dragon, no one will ever be able to lock me up in boring towers! And I'll have a dragon as a pet while everyone else doesn't!" she says, letting out a high pitched squeal.

"Yes!" I tell her excitedly. "And think of all that you'll be able to do with a dragon! You could fly!"

"I could fly! I could eat the clouds too, then!" she exclaims and I chuckle again. I love kids and their imagination.

"I bet they'll be tasty," I tell her.

"Of course they are. They're clouds," she tells me, rolling her eyes.

"Calm your sass, young lady," I say, pulling out both her pig tails and ruffling her hair.

"Hey!" she says, pouting and looking me, betrayed.

"Oopsies," I tell her, shrugging.

"You're meeeean," she informs me with a pout and I laugh.

"That's what small sassy ladies get."

Suddenly, everything starts getting blurry and I realise it's someone waking her up. If I don't get of here soon, things might go downwards.

I give her a smile. "Bye, Kim. I have to go now."

"No don't go!" she says, pouting. I smile sadly and give her a small kiss on her forehead.

"I have to. Remember to be brave, Kim," I say before getting up.

"Bye Amelia," I hear a small, sad voice say before I jump. She's not going to know I exist in a while. I probably won't forget her though.

I jump to the next, random dream. Still thinking about the little princess with her pet dragon. I wish the best for her.

Jumping to a new dream was never disorienting, but taking in your new surrounding all of a sudden is.

I look around at my surroundings and freeze.

It's me. Me ask a little girl. I'm in someone's dream.

I'm on a swing and I'm laughing, telling someone to push me higher. Who is that someone? When have I ever laughed that loud? That unabashedly?

I squint my eyes, trying to see who's pushing me when I freeze again.

It's my brother.

My brother who ran away.
Hey!! So this is a relatively new story. How is it?  Please comment telling me any mistakes or points to make it better. And thank you for reading!!

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

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