( i may or may not use the wierd typing. it reaLLY JUST DEPENDS)
Eddie and Richie were walking to Eddie's house on this amazing afternoon.
"HeY eDs! HoW'S yOuR mOm????"
"RiChIe, pLeAse dOn'T cAlL mE tHaT aNd i dOn'T kNoW? wHy?""
" JuSt wAnNa mAkE sUrE sHe'S oKaY aFtEr lAsT nIgHt."
" ShUt Up RiChIe, lIkE sHe wOuLd eVeR dO iT wItH yOu"
This really hurt Richie. Because in reality, he had feelings for sonia. It was weird but it was true. He had a crush on Sonia since the day he first saw her. Her figure amazed him. He fell in love the day they made eye contact.
Why did you think he was so close to eddie? Cause he liked him? Maybe, but it was only because of Sonia.
As they walked into the house Richie felt nervous. It was always this way when he walked into the Kasbrak household.
"HeY moMma!! RiChIe aNd i aRe gOiNg tO mY bEdRoOm!! He'S sLeEpInG oVer."
As they walked up the stairs Richie regretted not catching a glimpse of Sonia.
" HeY EdDiE-bEar!!! ArEn'T yoU fOrgEtTiNg sOmEtHiNg???"
Eddie sighed as he walked down the stairs to give his momma a kiss.
Richie snickered but in reality he was hurt.
" wAnT oNe fRom mE mRs. K???"
Sonia scoffed.
"NoW rUn aLonG yOu tWo. DoN't plAy tOo rOuGh nOw, eddies fragile."
Now the boys walked along to the room until.....
" WaIt a sEcOnD rIcHie. I nEed tO tElL yOu sOmEtHiNg."
Richie stopped, as well as his heart.
" RiChIE I jUsT wAntEd tO sAy tHaT yOu hAvE gRoWn iNtO a wOnDeRfUl, hAnDsOmE yOunG mAn"
She just called me handsome he though. He was SHOOK. A blush ran across his cheeks.
" Ummmm. ThANKs!!!!"
" eDdIE alSo tElLs mE yoU aRe vEry inNapRopRiate, aNd sAy jOkES aBoUt mE???"
" Uhhhhhhhhhh.. YeAh?"
" wHaT tYpe??'
" sExUaL oNes"
" sO yOu tHiNk sExUalLy Of Me???"
she chuckled.
"ThAts jUst adOrABLe"
He couldn't take it anymore........
Richie tozier X Sonia Kaspbrak
Historia CortaBeSt sHiP iN tHe wOrLd!1!1! This is the same book that i made a while ago. This is the same book with maybe some differences.