Chapter 1: The Challenge

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Stephen Hart in media above.

Song of the chapter: One Kiss - Calvin Harris

Hey! My name's Stephen Hart, and I'm a killer. A lady killer that is. One glance from me will send any girl swooning like a lovestruck puppy. I guess that also make me a killer of hearts. Get it! Never mind.

I wouldn't say that I'm attractive. More like jaw dropping gorgeous! I'm also the captain of the football team. So let's see, with my killer looks and my athleticism, I might as well call myself the complete package.

Any girl would trade the world for me to give them my time of day. And they should consider themselves lucky if I did.

With the music at full blast, and the different colour coordinations flickering around the house, I sat on a couch along with my two close friends, who were also members of the school's football team.

The smell of alcohol and sweat filled the air and it brought a smile to my face from its nostalgic familiarity.

As I took a sip of the beer that was in my hand, I noticed a finely shaped piece of ass across the room swaying her hips as she danced with a drink in hand. She was wearing a short red dress that hugged her every curve. Her blonde hair was curled and fell down her back. She was wearing hot red lipstick, and it brought my attention to her lips even more. It left me wondering what it would feel like on a certain body part, if you know what I mean.

When she noticed I was checking her out, she smiled at me, and swayed her hips even more.

A drunken, cheer could be heard as a familiar figure approached the table. It was Jake, another one of my close friends.

"Where the ladies at?!!" He yelled above the music as he sat down across from me.

Which made my eyes automatically find back the fine specimen. Every now and again, she would glance in my direction and I couldn't help the smirk that found its place on my face.

A whistle caught my attention back to the table. Everyone at the table was looking at me with huge grins on their faces. I knew immediately why.

"What?" I asked all the same.

"Stop acting as if you don't notice that hot chick checking you out." Jake rolled his brown, diluted eyes at me. He was obviously drunk.

"Yeah, man! She's practically calling you over!" Michael agreed, taking a sip of his drink before putting it aside.

I glanced back over towards the girl, and when she realised I was looking, she smiled and continued dancing in a seductive manner. I returned her smile.

I turned back towards my friends, "I don't know, man." I shrugged it off.

"Hey!" Jake jumped up suddenly, almost knocking over the drinks on the table in the process.

"Why don't we make a deal?" Jake looked towards me.

This peeked my interest. Just the mere thought of a new challenge was making me excited.

"I'm listening." I responded with a raised brow.

"If you can get her" He pointed towards the girl from earlier, "To sleep with you in less than ten minutes, I'll pay you five hundred bucks"

"Pfft! That's it!"I laughed. That's the challenge. To say that I was disappointed was an understatement. He brought my hopes up for nothing.

"Ten minutes." Jake reminded, giving me a serious look, which was impressive in his drunken state.

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