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I walk downstairs the next day, time for school. Alice is throwing me a birthday get together today, I'm excited to see what she has out together. I'm more excited to see the presents.

I drive my car to school, and park beside Bella's truck. Bella gets out of her truck with a set of crutches, we walk inside the school together.

"Oh; and Olivia, happy eighteenth birthday." Bella says.

"You coming to the party after school?" I ask.

Bella shakes her head. "Staying home with my dad, getting ready for the dance in a five weeks."

"Fun," I say as we separate.

"Welcome back, Miss Cullen." Mrs Williams greets me. "The light board misses you."

I send her a sad smile before I go backstage. Memories of James hits me like a jackhammer, causing me to flinch. Tears form when memories of my vampire part of me came out during my fight against James. This terrifies me.

I'm thankful when the bell rings for third period to end, I have Biology. Edward will be in this class with me, so the fear o am carrying won't be as bad. I feel safest around the Cullen's, because I know they'll protect me and help me wrap my head around being part vampire.

"You okay?" Edward asks when I meet him by mr Molina's door.

"Still scared of my inner vampire self, but I'm okay." I say.

"Let's get in there before the late bell." Edward says.

Bella appears jealous when Edward and I enter the classroom, together. Edward smirks down at me before he sits with Bella's jealous, fully human self. I'm jealous of you Bella. I would love to be fully human!!! I sit in my seat behind the two, and mr Molina gets started.

After school and at home, I go fraught to my room. I look at the picture of my father.

"Hello, father." I speak softly, knowing the others hear me with their vampire hearing- I hear their venom running. "I'm eighteen today, I miss mom everyday. Wishing I had a chance to meet her. Once I get the hang of this whole half human and half vampire thing, I'll come and meet you in the Volturi Palace. See you soon enough, father. Bye."

I take my leather jacket off and throw my purse in the closet. I toss my shades in the drawer in my nightstand, and I go downstairs. Alice hugs me, she seems perky and happy.

"Here," Alice says, handing me a present. "Present time."

I open the flat present, and find a sketchbook from Alice. With my wanting to produce, a sketchbook is kinda useless. A camera would have been better.

Emmett walks outside and dead in a huge teddy bear, that stands to my height. "This thing costed me $200, plus tax."

I hug the bear, "thanks EmmyBear."

Edward hands me a small jewelry box, glad he left Bella at home. Here lately, she's been acting very jealous of me. I'm gonna hang around my family and Jasper again. I open the box when I shake all the saddening thoughts aside, and I find a cute little charm bracelet.

"It's beautiful, Ed." I say as I put it on. "Thanks."

Edward smiles as Jasper takes my hand. He hands me a ring box, and I eye him. Jasper kisses my cheek before motioning for me to open. It is a promise ring, a heart shaped diamond on a stormy gray band.

"Oh Jas." I whimper as I put it on. "I love it!"

Jasper kisses me and holds me close. Rosalie hands me a jewelry box. More jewelry? I laugh when I open it, it is a silver fang set on a thin silver chain. Cute. I get my gift from Carlisle before the baseball game, the picture of the Volturi, with my father in the photo. Esme hands me a birthday gift bag, and hugs me tightly- wishing me a happy eighteenth birthday.

I reach my hand into the bad, and feel something fuzzy and stuffed. I pull the item out and from from ear-to-ear. It is an adorable stuffed wolf. I hug the wolf close with one arm, and drag my extra large teddy bear to my room with my other hand.

I lay my wolf on the nightstand so I can manage to put the bear Emmett got me on my bed. The wolf goes at the bears feet before I change into some comfy pajamas. I snuggle up with the bear and fall asleep.

Jasper Hale.

The feeling of happiness radiates through the house, and I know it is Olivia. She is happy about her gift choices. Her favorites were the promise ring from myself, the teddy bear from Emmett, and the stuffed wolf from Esme.

"She's happy," i tell everyone. "Her favorite presents are the ring, the bear, and the wolf... in that order."

Edward just sighs, "I don't know what's up with Bella. She's been acting so jealous of Olivia since her vampire came out and she killed James."

"I've noticed that," Emmett says. "Olivia is awesome, so I don't care what Bella thinks."

"I am able to read Olivia's thoughts now," Edward says. "She is jealous of Bella, because Bella is fully human."

I look upstairs and sigh. "She's asleep."

"I know," Edward says. "She is dreaming of meeting Marcus."

"Sweet," Esme grins. "She deserves to know him."

"What if he wants to keep her?" Jasper asks.

"She is his daughter, Jasper." Esme says.

"He can take her back, he could throw the adoption just because he's her father." Carlisle says. "I am almost certain he will want her in Italy."

I growl at those words and I go to my room, slamming the door behind me. I pase my room, thinking of the day Olivia finally meets Marcus. 

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