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A couple weeks later.

I meet Jacob, Bella, and Edward at the bottom of the mountain close to Forks. Jacob is standing close to Bella, we are having him carry Bella to cover her scent. I close my eyes as the smell of her blood hits me.

"You okay, Ollie?" Bella asks.

I nod. "Just since your birthday, it's very hard to be around you. Your blood smells lovely."

"You won't hurt me, will you?" Bella asks.

"Laurent helped me control those vampire urges," I reply as I take deep breaths. "Close my eyes and deep breaths until the urge is gone. But I'm out. Watch this."

I open my eyes, and Edward gasps at the crimson red. "I can control my vampire." I look at Bella and smile. "See? Urge is gone. I'll see you at the top."

With an intake of held breath, I zoom to the top of the mountain. I close my eyes for a moment and become my hybrid self again, and open them back. I walk over to the edge of the mountain, and my eyes roam the beautiful view. This cliff side is beautiful.

"You can control your vampire," Edward says as he steps up beside me. "That's amazing, O."

"Thanks, Eddie." I say.

"How is it at Sam's?" Sam asks.

"Pretty great," I reply. "Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote are my new best friends."

"I miss you at the house," Edward admits. "Emmett and Rosalie miss you, as well."

"I miss you three,too," I respond. "I miss Carlisle and Esme too."

"You're invited to the wedding." Edward tells me.

"What wedding?" I ask with a furrowed eyebrow. "You and Bella!? Oh my, of course I'll come! Anything to see that human in a dress."

Edward just laughs as we look out onto the trees.
—- the very next morning —

I step out of the tent, in my vampire mode, and I close my crimson eyes. The smell of human blood fills my nose, rotting blood. My red eyes snap open and I find Victoria in the trees. (Edward joined the fight in my story).

I spot her newborn toy in the opposite tree, watching the wolf of Seth Clearwater. "Riley, she doesn't love you."

Victoria's eyes widen, "Yes, I do! Don't listen to her."

"She is doing this out of vengeance," I say, my crimson eyes locked on Victoria. "I killed her true mate, James."

Victoria leaps down, and lands in front of me. "Nice crimson eyes. Laurent teach you that?"

With a low growl, I tackle Victoria into the crunchy snow. We keep biting at each other and pulling each other's hair. Riley has left his tree, and is fighting with Seth.

Victoria grabs my head when I am weakened, and gets prepared to rip it clean off. The scent of Bella's intoxicating blood fills my nose and a whimper leaves my throat.

Victoria drops me and she goes to approach Bella. Smart move Bella, the third wife's sacrifice. I zoom forward, and climb on Victoria's back. Edward is standing by Bella as I rip the red haired vampire's head clean off. Edward throws a lot zippo lighter on her body.

"Good fight, O." Edward hugs me. "Thanks for saving her."

I look at Bella with my red eyes. "Cover that blood up.... Please." My voice breaks when I say the word please.

"I'm sorry Ollie," Bella says. "Victoria was about to kill you."

"That was a very stupid, very brave, and very smart thing to do." I hug her, although my urges are very high right now. "I appreciate it but I have to leave before i slip."

I zoom away from the engaged couple, and go to Jacob's. The stupid wolf got hurt while attempting to save Leah. Leah thinks it was a dump move, I call it heroic. Carlisle is in with him now. He has to break his ribs so they can heal properly. Bella pulls up, I sigh in relieved when I notice she cut is covered.

"Olivia," Sam smiles. Then frowns. "Olivia Storm Volturi."

I hug Carlisle. "Hey, Carlisle. How's Esme?"

"She misses you, Olivia." Carlisle smiles. "We all do. Jasper even misses you."

"While he's kissing Alice?" I laugh. "I doubt that, Carlisle. I'll see you at the wedding."

I kiss Carlisle on the cheek and zoom home; to Sam's. I close my eyes and go hybrid again. A wave of exhaustion hits me hard, and I drag myself to my bedroom. I say goodnight to my picture of my Volturi family and collapse into my bed. Sleep takes over.

Jasper Hale.

I drop onto the chair in the foyer as Alice preps for the Cullen/Swan wedding in two weeks. The fight took a lot out of all of us. Felix, Dimitri, Jane, and Alec Volturi arrived in the clearing, after the fight. A little girl named Bree was hiding.

"You missed one," Felix had pointed out.

"Finish this, so we can go home." Jane told him, staring at the top of the mountain- where Olivia was at. "Hurry, I want to leave."

Jane seemed in a hurry and pressed for time, the more she stared at that cliff side- at the figure of Olivia- the more pressed for time she seemed to be. Did she know?

Bree's screams still fill my head, the blood- war shattering screams as Felix approaches her slowly~ no matter how much Esme and Carlisle pleaded for them to pardon the newborn little girl. Victoria already put the girl through enough torture by changing her into a vampire. Bree was screwed out of a long life.

"You alright, Jas?" Esme asks me, squatting in front of me.

"Bree's screams are stuck in my brain," I reply. "And Olivia, too. Jane seemed pressed for time, and it got worse the more she stared at Olivia's figure on the cliff side."

"Yes," Esme sighs, "I noticed that about Jane too. Those screams left an imprint too."

I look out back at Alice, "Esme, I miss O."

"I miss her too, Jasper." Esme replies, placing a small hand on my shoulder. "We all miss her."

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