February 11th 2013... First meeting

25 5 0

Ayven- 21
Ray- 24

i'm walking through the woods, headphones on, eyes downcast and shoulders slumped. i've been doing this for a few weeks now. it calms me... empties my mind.
sometimes i run, it quickens the process and today i need it to work as quickly as possible. without thinking or looking i push forward with full force oblivious to someone else doing the exact same thing.
you can guess what happened of course.
we collided... brutally.
felt pain, everywhere. As i braced myself for the fall a strong, lean hand tugged on my wrist and instead of falling on my arse, i fell forward and landed on a hard figure. softer than the ground but still... hard.
i open my eyes and my coco brown orbs latch onto forest green ones. as beautiful as they were that was not what caught my attention. it wasn't what made me stare. it was what i saw in them. a strange emotion reflected only in the most damaged people. i know this because i saw it each time i looked in a mirror.
i saw hate.

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