Cutting (Am)

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I cut to ease the pain from my father and everyone else who hurt me I'm broke inside and no one knows I'm a singer and I read the hate I get and it sticks with me

He used to beat me and bash me into wall and break me down without anyone know and he threatened me he said if I told anyone he would kill me and feed my body to alligators um I'm (pic above)

Oh yeah that my father

I'm 19 I moved out when I was 18 and then I met this guy and his name is Austin and he has no idea my dad is hurting me

In the bathroom I glace down at the burning, crippling,gnawing cuts deep in my wrists and up my arms That still very much gush blood I cut. Again and again with the rusty razor I keep in my box of tampons under the sink

Why because I know Austin will never look in there I put it back in there after I cut again then I rinsed the blood off of my arms roll my sleeves down and walked out of the bathroom

2 hours later
I was rinsing off the dishes and I had rolled my sleeves up Austin came home and wrapped his arms around my waist

"What do you want mahone" I asked "you" he told me I smiled he's the only thing that keeps me alive he lifted my shirt to see my

bruised scared stomach he froze and stood up straight "babe show me your arms" I rolled down my sleeves instantly

"Show me now" he demanded "I froze in fear "Austin stop" I tried to walk passed hi he grabbed my arm turned me around and rolled up my sleeve himself

"Babe, why?" He questioned simply
I broke down in tears "why are you doing this to yourself" he asked "don't do this, not now Austin" I told him "he walked away not even wanted to look at me I finished doing the dishes and cleaning the house and I went upstairs to find Austin he was in our room

... I was cutting myself again
"What the fuck are you doing" he snapped I panicked "stop doing this to yourself" he told me I got the bottle of OxyContin and tried to open the bottle "stop it come on babe stop" I fought him for it

Until I let go and the pills went everywhere "what did you do" I screamed at him I was crying I broke down in tears and fell to the ground on my knees

Austin calmed me down it took a half hour but I finally stopped crying "ha it's okay I got you" he told me

...after my shower i dried off dried my hair I changed into (pic above) and walked out Austin was laying down

I crawled into bed with him "it's my dad okay I can't take it Austin my dad hurts me so much" I told him crying he looked at me and kissed me

passionately then deepened kiss then pulled away "I want you" I whispered "now?" He asked I nodded he kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss


he went faster and faster until we both reached our climax and released ourselves he pulled out and calasped on me and we were both breathing heavily

He took off the condom and threw it he was on top of me once our heart rates were back to normal he started leaving soft wet kisses down my neck "i love you" he said "i love you too" I whispered "do you feel better" he asked me I nodded he smiled

"give me your phone" he told me I gave him my phone "password" he asked "Austin" I told him he smiled and put it in and then he went to my dads

messages and went on his computer and printed them out

Filed a police report and they set my dad to prison I got I new phone and new number "Where is the thing you use to cut yourself with" he asked

I didn't say anything "in my box of tampons" I replied he walked into the bathroom and got the box and threw the razor away
My dad got set to prison for 30 years
"Stop doing this to yourself babe this isn't the answer talk to me tell me what's going on and don't hide things from me anymore" "okay" I replied he kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

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