Attention Seeker (SM)

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If you like hailey this isn't for you!!

My life has not always been the best but when my best friend Shawn mendes came into my life when I was 14 years old when my dad went to prison and he overdosed on heroin Shawn was there for me

And I support him no matter what he does but the neural he hangs out with is bad news I know for a fact she's bad news she was my best friend were not friends anymore she uses guys for attention she feeds off of there success and that's exactly what she's doing with Shawn she's obsessed with these guys because she's wants attention

She doesn't want to date them she wants their Fame and their money because they're more successful than she'll ever be she used justin bieber to get what she wanted promo, no one even kind of clue who she was until she started dating Justin or so people thought I don't think they were really together together the drunken New Year's Eve kiss nothing to him

And after they hung out he went back to Selena Gomez because he loves her, she uses kendall and Kylie jenner for promo and when they weren't enough she went to Justin, then one Justin had enough of her ass she went to Cameron Dallas, then when he enough she went to Sean Shawns oblivious to the whole thing but I'm scared that she'll ruin him she's ugly and a nobody

And you can say I hate her all I want but I do hate her because she uses guys I like guys that are my friends she doesn't care about their feelings she's the type of person that shades anyone she meets that are more successful than she is

Her name is hailey baldwin you can say I'm jealous but there's nothing really to be jealous of when it comes to her and I'm not hating on her I'm just saying the truth sorry if you don't agree but the truth hurts

"Shawn listen to me she's using you for attention she feeds off of other people's success, Shawn she doesn't care about your feelings" i tried to explain to him

" maybe you're just jealous because I found someone that I actually like and you didn't" he replied " are you f****** kidding me Shawn I have been there since day one for you, and you think I'm jealous of a fuckung ugly ass hoe wannabe model who looks like a duck" i snapped

"Why can't you just be happy for me, and I don't even like her she's my friend" he said " fine you can be friends with her but don't come crying back to me when she breaks your heart and uses you for fame and money like she did with Justin" i yelled and slammed the door behind me

2 months later
Shawn's pov I went on haileys phone and found out everything she keeps tabs of what justin and i buy so she can buy the same things she stalks us on Instagram so she can like or post and things that relate to us or post the same things that we post she's creepy obsessed wit me i found out that she is using me for promo i talked to Cameron and Justin about her and told me to get out while I can i filed a restraining order against her blocked her on all my social media

Blocked her number and stopped hanging out with her my best friend was right

*Saturday 4 am*
i went over to Alex's even though it was 4 am I knocked on the door 2 times before she answered "shawn? What areyou doing here? " She was wearing pic above "um I came here to apologize I'm sorry i didn't believe you about hailey turns out you were right she is creepy and wants attention She doesn't want to date me she wants my fame " i told her "yeah I was right, I used to be friends with her, until I found out who she really was but I can't be friends with you anymore"

"What why" i was confused "because I...I want to be with you..." she whispered i was shocked but I leaned in and kissed her passionatelythen deepened the kiss then pulled out "i love you Shawn Mendes" she told me I smiled "i love you too" i told her

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