chapter 4

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Boo was doing homework until a sound from a top and boo said'' WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON[open the window and hear something arguing]hmm I wonder'' and so then boo quickly change into dragon ninja outfit went to the rooftop and notice a figure and so then raph said'' OH COME ON LEO WHAT THE PLAN FEARLESS LEADER'' and so then Leo said'' I DONT KNOW IF YOU JUST LISTEN MY ORDERS'' and boo went closer and said'' what are they[went closer without being seen until made a noise]AH OH'' and Leo said'' WHO GOES THERE'' and raph said'' GRRR'' and boo comes out said'' UGH ALRIGHT'' and boo comes out and Leo was shocked said'' WOAH ANOTHER NINJA'' and boo said'' got a problem with that'' and Leo said'' no um'' and Raphael said'' LETS GET IT'' and boo saw rash charge and dodge it quickly said'' to easy'' and raph was shocked said'' WHAT THE SHELL'' and raph hurt himself and Donnie said'' wait guys I think it's a dragon ninja'' and Leo said'' dragon ninja not like a purple dragons right'' and Mikey said'' WHATEVER IT WAS IT LOOKS COOL'' and boo said'' so you guys are ninjas too ha'' and Leo said'' ya never seen you before'' and raph growled and attack her with his sai and boo dodge it and as grab his arms twist it and raph said'' AHH'' and boo went from behind and went in continued torture and flip him over said'' DONT MESS WITH ME OK HOT HEADED'' and raph said'' OW'' and Leo,Donnie,Mikey were shocked and said'' WOAH'' and raph said'' UGH NOT COOL'' and so then boo said'' JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN IM NOT MEAN NO HARM I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON'' and Leo said'' well you see we are teenage mutant ninja turtles'' and boo said'' turtles ha and your names '' and Leo said'' I'm Leonardo and these are my brothers Donatello,michealangelo, and that one you just beat is rapheal'' and boo said'' oh I see I'm boo rose dragon'' and Leo said'' nice to meet you boo,and I'm asking are you human '' and boo said'' nope'' and Leo said'' a mutant'' and boo said'' nope just not human just you know'' and the boys were shocked said;'' NOT HUMAN WOAH''  and so then boo said'' yep it's all true but now until we meet again[went off into the shadows]'' and  raph was hurt and Mikey said'' OH YOU JUST BEATEN BY A GIRL'' and raph said'' this is going to take a while to heal''  and so then boys went back and they told splinter about it and splinter said'' so you are telling me that ninja is a dragon girl'' and Leo said'' yes sensei she just beat raph no problem'' and splinter said'' hmm does she know ninjashu'' and Leo said'' I think so and she said her name is boo rose dragon and she is not human'' and splinter said'' hmm I see''  and so then splinter said'' I see must be the same level as you my sons'' and raph said'' SHE GOT ME GOOD'' and so then Donnie said'' she is good'' and Mikey said'' ya'' and splinter said'' oh very well you may bring her here but don't hurt her in no harm'' boys said'' YES SENSEI'' and so then boys learn their lesson not to mess with her

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