Chapter 1 - The Plan

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In a bar on Kauai Island, Hawaii sat two ancient nations-by which they were old in age, not appearance. Strangely enough, neither of them were complaining in each other's company, when in all honesty they should have been.

That could only mean that The Plan had worked.

The two nations chatted away like old friends, their usual animosity toward one another absent.

"Truthfully, I didn't always hate you," said Arthur, taking a sip of wine from his cup.

Francis chuckled.

"Yes, I know," Arthur stated wryly. "Surprise, surprise."

"Non, not quite so. I think, deep down, the both of us have always known."

The Englishman raised his eyebrows at him. "Do we now?"

"Mais oui. Well, I know for sure. Your demeanour gave you away."

"I'm going to be stuck with you forever, aren't I?" Arthur placed his drink down and watched as the liquid inside rippled from the disturbance.

"Are you complaining?"

"I used to . . . but not so much anymore. If you weren't there-"

Francis smiled. "If I wasn't what?"

"Shush, Frog. Let me finish." Arthur took a deep breath. "I've the faintest idea. If you weren't there, I suppose I'd have gone extinct."

"That's certainly one way to phrase your dependency on me."

"I'm not dependent on you!"

"Not anymore, rosbif."

"Yes, well." Arthur rolled his eyes. "Times change, circumstances change, people ch-"

"People change, but we don't," Francis finished.

"That's the sad thing, isn't it. We're stuck like this."

"That's not necessarily true, mon ami. It will take time and lots of effort, but it can be done."

Arthur gave him a look. "Are you saying you've changed, Frog-" he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "-or are you insinuating that I need something corrected?"

"No, no, of course not! We all need something corrected, to be honest. But if we want to change, we can only try and hope for the best. Sometimes we need help to achieve that."

"Help . . ." Arthur repeated. "You're not referring to those two's attempt in getting us together, are you?"

"We're together, aren't we?" said Francis, smirking.

"Perhaps we should liberate them from their duties, now," said Arthur.

Francis sighed. "It's true. They've worked so hard."

"With barely any results, I might add."

"That's not so true, Angleterre. We are 0.00001% closer than before."

"Hm. You know, I expected Alfred of all people to try something like this, but Matthew? He's too level-headed for that sort of foolishness."

"I wouldn't be too sure. After all, he inherited as much from me as he did you."

"Right, I forgot about that bit."

Francis leaned into his hand, lulled by the soft, romantic melody playing in the background. "They are brothers, aren't they?"


"Well then," said Francis, getting up from his seat. He held out an elbow to Arthur. "Shall we retire?"

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