Your Nightcrawler Love Story Part 1

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Ok this is gonna be short and im going to make this chapt. go by really quick so we can get to the good stuff. please rate ;D p.s. I promise it will get better


 You were asleep even though it was around 1pm on Saturday, you wanted to sleep in, you had nothing else to do anyhow. But then you felt a coldness run all over your body. You wrapped the covers tightly around yourself but it didn't help. You decided to go ahead and take a nice warm shower, taking off your shirt and walking passed the mirror you saw that you had blue markings all over your body. You screamed in shock and then you suddenly remembered, after you took a breath and walked away from the mirror, that your mom said "when you see blue markings, read the letter in the jewelry box" she gave you the box soon before she died, coincidently, she also said that your necklace was a key to open it but to only open it when this happened. You never knew what she meant by that until now, and had always wondered what the letter said, but in respect for her you waited for this strange occurrence she spoke of. You opened the box and read the letter, it explained everything (from the description page). You were no longer scared but interested, you started to try to learn your power over the water in the tub. You tried over and over again and you were starting to get angry. Then all of a sudden the water rose from the bath tub, you concentrated and then tried to move it around the room and it worked, but then it knocked a cup over which made the letter fly around to its other side. You read it and it said when a “Prof. X” comes, to trust him. 

"I wonder what that means”. 

After a while you got the hang of your water controlling.

3 weeks later.

(You learned almost everything except the healing.)

It was saturday again and you heard a knock at the door (by then your skin had gotten a little blue all over) so you put on your coat with the hood so whoever it was wouldn't get startled by your appearance. It was a girl with red hair and an old man in a wheel chair. He said his name was Prof. X and then you understood the letter. He told you what he was there for. (you still didn't take off your coat) You packed and went with him, just like that, because you trusted you mother and her mysterious letter.

rate please :)


I kno my chapt. is kinda short (kinda?) okay they r short but please don't give up on me, it gets good if you like the drama/action/romance type story.


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