Too Much teasing!!!

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  As I walked to the lunch room, I noticed Amber waving, looks like she had a good day so far.  I finally walked up to her and waved back.''How was your first day, so far mines was soo much fun, so did you meet anyone new, friend, enemy, frienemy!!  It took about five minutes to finally calm her down,''no'' I said." I only met some kid named james, though he was a total pain in the-

Wait, no way, James Edwards only like the most badest playboy of them all James Edwards." ''yeah sure I guess you could call him that although in my offense I think James is-

''Talking about me ladies."  oh gosh speak of the devil, James.


  When I walked in the cafeteria I couldn't help but notice Umm..what's her name again? Oh yeah Emily I was about to go head over to sit with Adam, Derek, and Chad but I'd think it'd be a little more fun to mess with Emily fIrst.  When I approached their table I over heard my name so I simply went up to emily and said,"Talking about me ladies.'' I couldn't help but laugh when she jumped from my voice.  Then she glared at me and said,"yeah,  I was just telling her how I had to sit next to a douche bag in history today.  ''Ouch'' I replied placing a hand over my heart to express my sadness.''Anyway what do you want James"?" I thought I'd play with her some more before I told her my real reasons.  I sat next her and my arm over her shoulder and whispered,"because, I just wanted to see when we were going to "get started" on that little project you wanted to do."  I guess she didn't fall for my trap because she just pushed me away and told me she didn't have time to play childish games, and how she thought we could get started on saturday.  I just agreed and got up to leave.  "Oh yeah and I'm throwing a party tomorrow at my place you can bring your little friend over there too to come if she'd like" and then I winked at them."I don't think I'd want to waste my tim-" "we'll be there." her friend replied, cuttIng her off." great see you then."   Before I went, I made sure to blow into Emily's ear and she laughed."ha looks like I just learned something about you emily" I ducked down to whisper in her ear again"I found a weakness, see you later."  I left her holding both her hands up to her ear beet red. Who would have thought she was ticklish. I guess she was kinda cute when she blushed.  I wonder why I never noticed her before?  I thought to myself and then returned to the my table.  I can't wait till tomorrow, then I can have my''fun'' with her again , hopfully meaning two things.

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