t h i r t e e n

69 4 2

Ugh this chapter is complete and udder cow shit. (See what I did there? Udder? Cow? No? Okay.. Either way it's true.)

[graces pov]

Wow. That was the only thing on my mind as I bowed my head and let out a small giggle. It amused me at how cheeky he just was, especially from his usual attitude. He seemed so... Happy almost - even if he did just get hit in the head with a cabinet door. It made my heart flutter thinking that maybe, just maybe, I was the one who made him feel this way, that I was the one who brought out his joking playful side.

"I think you'll be fine." I patted his shoulder and then move to a standing position.

"Help me up?" Harry holds up a tattooed arm and I grab it, pulling as hard as I could. God, this boy is heavy. Making a loud grunting notice I pull him all the way to his feet, except I lose my balance almost falling on my back. Thankfully, my hand was still in Harry's. Instead of plummeting to the floor, I was yanked forward and pulled into Harry's bare chest. Breathless I took in the boy who held to me so tightly. His chest was toned and covered in random tattoos here and there, his hair was unruly and naturally curly almost covering his green eyes. Needless to say, he desperately needed a hair cut.

"Hey," I breathe out, retrying this whole situation.

"Hey," a small smile formed on his visage. I wanted to kiss him right then, but we both took in our current stance and released each other. Harry turned and went for the fridge, as I used my teeth to pull the hair band off of my wrist. I combed my hair out with my fingers and quickly pulled it up into a pony tail. Still with the elastic between my teeth I asked Harry,

"So why were you yelling for Ben earlier?" Harry, bent over with his head in the refrigerator, drumming his fingers on the door replied,

"Oh, just needed something from the Grocery." I nodded, taking the band from my teeth and wrapping it around my mess of hair.

"So," I hop on the counter and start swinging my feet back and forth, "was it anything in particular? I need to go the store anyway."

Harry backed away from the fridge and closed the door. I hoped desperately that he was not going to ask what for since I wasn't very keen on telling people, especially the male species, of my monthly visitor.

"Actually, what do you need? I doubt you'll get the correct kind I need, I'll just go while you get ready." Shit.

I take a deep breath preparing my words, "I'm sure I'll get the right thing. I have something kind of personal I need to get so..." The awkward tension in the room was thick enough to slice as realization set in Harry's eyes. I stare at the chipped paint on my toes in silence. When I look up, I'm met with a wide smile.

"Don't tell me your going to crack a joke..." His smile only grows from there.

"No. No no no no no, no. Don't even." I let out an exasperated sigh as I switch my body wait to my other foot. Harry starts off somewhere toward his bedroom,

"Come on, Grace, I think your ovary-acting just a little bit." My mouth falls open and I feel my cheeks get hot. I turn around to scold him, but as I do, I see his bedroom door close. Then laughter.

"Harry!" I whine and run into my room, landing on the bed. Minutes past and I eventually climb ungracefully out of the bed and to my record player. Clumsily my fingers set the pin on the disc and Sylvan Esso fills the confines of my room. I hum along as I take out my laptop and IM my best friend from home.

Gracewearschanel- BIG NEWS

Hannabanana423- spill!!

Gracewearschanel- u know that harry guy

Hannabanana423- your not pregnant are you????

Gracewearschanel- god no. He kissed me last night :)

Hannabanana423- ur not going 2 like date him r u

Gracewearschanel- I was thinking about it...

Hannabanana423- bbe he's ur brothers roommate

Gracewearschanel- I really like him Hanna

Hannabanana423- I wouldn't if I were u. I g2g ttyl bbe. Cassie/me r going 2 the pool

Gracewearschanel- k...Tell me if you meet any hot guys

I sigh logging off of my computer and sliding it back under my bed. Suddenly the music bouncing off of the walls is too loud for the silence, so I decide to turn it off. Sitting in my room like this, with the light shining in through the open window and my curtains slightly swaying in the wind, doesn't deserve any artificial noise. It makes it's own music with the whispers of the wind, the rustling of the leaves, and the singing of the birds. The rushing of the cars and the constant loud voices of people on the strip. It's all the things that I usually listen to mindlessly but create this natural everyday melody.

[harrys pov]

After a couple hours of sitting in my room smiling like an idiot while my brain was racked with overflowing thoughts about Grace, I left to go visit Gemma's grave so that I would not have to go late tonight. AsI laid there looking up into the sky, I spoke about Grace and informed her about Grace and told about how I kissed her and what happened this morning, I thought about life and death. So I just stopped talking for a second and closed my mouth. After awhile I spoke up again.

"You know, Gem, I've just got to let go. Really let go. Your gone and your never going to come back again, that's just a fact. I need to stop being so naive and except the fact that some people are meant to stay in your life forever and some aren't. I guess you weren't... I'm going to leave now." So I got up and left. This time I didn't not cry. I didn't not feel like shit, nor did I feel sad.

I felt content.

I felt at peace.

I felt clarity.


Work was slow, as always. College students came in and out, adult couples shared warm evening coffees, and I faced the occasional hipster - as per usual. I kept glancing at the door every now and then, I guess a part of me wished she would come walking through that door and order a coffee and sit with me and we could talk about whatever she wanted to talk about as long as I got to see her smile. The night dragged on and before I knew it, my shift was over and Pour L'amour De Café was closing for the night.

The ride home was quiet, as always. I usually prefer the silence, but tonight I kept glancing over the empty passenger seat and thought about a certain blonde haired girl with sea blue eyes that could help me escape this loneliness. I tapped my fingers along the worn leather of the steering-wheel and wished time would just go by faster than normal so that I could get home and maybe, just maybe, feel those lips that I so desperately longed for.

My legs couldn't carry my fast enough up the steps to the flat door. As soon as I entered I went straight into Graces room ready to grasp her face in both of my hands and feel the pure ecstasy spread throughout my body. But when I slung open her door, I find it empty and I physically feel each and every butterfly in my stomach die with each passing second.

a/n: this is really short and bad I'm sorry.


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