My Love My Life (Boy&Boy)

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Hiya! I'm new here and this is my first time writing XD

I plan to introduce my characters and their past a little so it may be a little lengthy in the first 1 or 2 chapters! But please bear with me, it will definitely get enjoyable! I hope you guys enjoy my story!

Votes? Comments? Thanksssss!

James Everard P.O.V

I stared at the ceiling, wondering. How strange is it that when you are so damn rich and yet you cannot even find happiness? I sighed.10 years has passed and not a day had gone by when I had not missed mom and dad. As time passes, I became brooding, quieter and depressed. I don't really have anyone I could call friends anymore and I don't blame them seeing that they did try to talk and comfort me when my parents passed away, but I don't seem to feel the need to talk them, so after some time they didn't try to talk to me anymore. Slowly but surely, I shut away the outside world, going to school but never really participated in anything and the teachers have also given up on getting me to participate in any class activity. Sometimes, I feel a spark inside of me that was probably buried deep in me whenever I look at people going out with their own family wishing that I had those kind of opportunity. Oh God. How I missed my mom and dad.

Ever since my parents passed away on a highway accident, while they were on their way back home after their honeymoon, I never was the same anymore. I was only 8 then. No longer a lively, talkative and carefree person I used to be. My parents were rich, we lived in a mansion and when they passed away, all their fortune was passes to me, since I had no other relatives. My family's lawyer kept all the money and everything will be passed to be when I reach 21 years old. Exactly 3 years from now.

I glanced at the clock and sighed deeply. Its the first day of college. I should feel happy and ecstatic on making new friends and having a new life but i can't seem to lift up my spirits. To me it would probably be like any other day. I got up and prepared to start the day, in the bathroom I made a final attempt to make myself feel happier and smiled at my own reflection in the mirror and snorted. I look like a kid that was crying and had been forced to smile.

When I made my way down the stairs, Mr Harvey, my personal butler greeted and and I returned the gesture. Having finished my breakfast, I headed to school. Upon reaching school, I made my way to the general office to get my timetable, I didn't want to go for assembly created for new students. It would just bore me. I could differentiate the freshmen from the rest of the school seeing that they are more awkward and didn't mingle around with anyone. I made my way to class.

Scott Adams P.O.V

' I'm gonna go for football ', I thought to myself as the instructor was briefing us new students on what type of co-curricular activities the school offered. I looked around, too excited to be sitting down to listen what he has to say, I started a conversation with a timid and shy girl next to me. She looks pretty and adorable too in a bunny way, if that makes any sense at all, but she's not type.

I looked around the hall, trying to memorise everyone's faces, I'm the kind of guy who likes to be socially active and I shudder at the thought of being a social outcast. After we were all released, I made my way to class and I noticed a guy I've not seen in the hall, man he looks good. I mean I'm straight, but it doesn't mean that I can't which guys are considered good looking and which aren't. He doesn't seem to be the type of guy that talks much, aww sucks for him, I'm here to enjoy! Alright first off, Biology. Time to go.

James Everard P.O.V

When the students poured out from the hall, I made my way to class, first was Biology. I sat at the corner of the class, so as not to attract attention and I don't like the feeling of someone watching my back. I watched the students slowly filing in the class. None of them caught my eye, I pretty much guessed that life in college would be boring too. My whole life has never had much excitement to begin with. Then some guy sat beside me even there was an empty table beside me. Great, can't people just leave me alone? When he sat beside me I didn't even glance at him.

Scott Adams P.O.V

Arriving in class, many seats were already taken, shit. Well I couldn't resist mingling with the other students for awhile before class. Oh, there's the quiet guy I noticed outside the hall earlier, hmmm there is an empty seat beside him. I decided to just sit beside him since everyone seems to have a partner already. He seems uncomfortable with me though. So not to be rude or anything I looked away just in case if he's the type that isn't shy when it comes fists to fists. When the teacher came in he introduced himself as Mr.Barker and said that we should mingle around and get to know each other better since we were all new here. Great! I can see that I will like him already. So I secretly peeked at this guy beside me and took in his features. Hmm, he has a cold grey eyes, cool like the moon at night, mysteriousand piercing even, its as if he can see through you. Coupled with a strong prominent jaw line and cheek bone that made him look too mature for his age. His hair didn't seem to be styled or anything but it looks good on him though, with its warm brown-ish color that matched him perfectly. Then I took in the rest of his body, he looks tall, probabl around 6'1" or 2". So I said,

"Hi, I'm Scott, you?"


"Okayyyy..." Well I'm right anyways it doesn't seem like he is the type to enjoy talking. Well sucks for him, I'm still gonna talk to him ;)

"So where are you from?"

"I'm local."

" Aaaaaahhhh I see, so what's your hobby? Any girfriends or crushes in particular?", strange I've never seen him before.

" No, never really liked anyone in particular. I like to keep to myself and I don't do much activities besides a regular jog."

Well it seems like he's hinting to me not to talk to him anymore, well I tried at least. But honestly, he looks way too fit to be just jogging will all the muscles bulging underneath his turtleneck shirt, god knows how long I've been working to get my abs. Then he cursed out of the blue and I thought he got pissed at me but when I looked at him, he was rubbing his eye furiously, must have been something that went into his eye. I said,"Here let me help you and youre gonna make yourself blind at the rate that you're rubbing it." I grabbed his wrists and peeled it away from his eye so that I could blow into it to clear away the dust and he froze visibly. On closer look his eyes was mesmerising, although somehow it seems to be bottomless and it looked as though it was brimming with secrets. I broke away from him when someone made an awkward coughing noise. Well I was embarrassed alright, even my heart was racing from that awkward moment, I mean I've never done that before but his eyes just held my attention.

James Everard P.O.V

When Mr.Barker told us to get ouselves inroduced, I mentally murdered him, why can't we just get on with the lesson? Then the person beside me introduced himself as Scott, so out of courtesy I replied him and the questions that he had droned on and on. I noticed his eyes that held my attention captive, it was golden, it looked so warm and full of life, unlike mine, cold and grey like an incoming storm. Then something went into my eye and I cursed, I rubbed my eye to get rid of the itch when James suddenly held my wrist and pushed it away and said,"Here let me help you and you're gonna make yourself blind at the rate that you're rubbing it."I froze immediately, nobody has ever touched me before for a long time and it felt strange for me. After blowing it he didn't let go of me. Instead he stared at my eyes like he was entranced by it or something. He was way past my personal space and his face was just inches from mine but I was too shocked to push him away so I stared back at him instead, his eyes was like the sun, golden butterscotch color and for a moment it engulfed me. Until someone 'ahem-ed' and he broke away from me.

Two girls that sat in front of us wiggled their eye-brows at us and said," You guys dating? Or were you guys just trying to kiss?" Then they giggled away like a normal teenage girls. I snorted and I noticed James was blushing beside me and was looking everywhere but the girls and me.

End Of Chapter 1

Hope You guys liked that! I know its a bit lengthy but I'll cut it short in the next chapters, I just wanna show you guys how the first met and all. And Thomas I hope you enjoyed it ;)

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