Chapter 2

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The same day.

James Everard P.O.V

When the school beel rung for a recess break, I strolled around the school instead of mingling with all the other students in the school. Took out an apple and began to chew while I thought about Scott. For some unfathomable reason I couldn't distract myself from those beautiful eyes that seems to be an exact replica of the sun's warmth and glow. This is strange for me, I've never given much thought on a single individual anymore after the 'accident'. I was just shut in my own misery and pain because I was too young to comprehend it and move on.

The bell rung again, signalling the start of another lesson. I made my way for literature. Taking a seat at the back of the class as usual. And again someone decides to sit beside me even though there were so many empty seats. I sighed internally,'what's with the people in the school?' I mused to myself.

' Hey! I'm Katy,' I turned around and took her in for a moment and she does seem familiar but I couldn't really remember when I saw her.

' Hello, I'm James' I replied.

' Oh I know', she said.'

'Do I know you?' I frowned, I don't know many people, thus I would have remembered if I knew her in the first place.

She snickered,' Aaahhhhh, we were in the same Biology class this morning and I was sitting in front of you and Scott.' she winked at me.

Then I remembered, No wonder she seemed familiar. I just smiled a taut smile and looked away to focus on the lesson. She didn't say anything for a while.

Then she asked,'Where you from?' 

'Local', I said. 

'Hmmm, where do you live then?' 

'The lone house by the Lake.' 

There was a moment of silence and then,

'What's your orientation?' she asked.

For a moment I was stunned. I couldn't quite believe my own ears. Nobody has asked me such questions before and the way she asked was so outright and no hints or whatsoever that she was planning to ask this question. I looked at her, befuddled. I wanted to lie to her and said I'm 'straight' but being the gentleman that I am, I said,' I'm not sure'. But for a moment, my mind flickered towards Scott.

'What do you mean you're not sure? You've never had a relationship?!'

I sighed and shook my head.

'Oh My Goddddd!!!! I'm gonna set you up!!!!' she exclaimed out of the blue.

I just stared at her and said,' I'd prefer not to if you don't mind.'

'Why do you talk like that?', she asked, momentarily distracted.

'I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.'

'You're talking like.... Like some kind of a gentleman.... Come on its the 21st century here.'

I kept quiet, not really sure if that was true. I suppose I never could just blend in with the environment. Maybe its because I never really did socialise. And then the bell rung again, meaning it's lunch break now. 'Where you going?! Come on join my group for lunch!!' Katy said. She dragged my hands before I could even refuse her. When we reached the lunch group, Scott was also there. Sigh, those beautiful eyes.

'Hey,' Scott said.

I smiled at him brielfly and peeled my eyes off him. Focusing on the rest of the group. Three girls including Katy and only 2 guys, me and Scott. The shortest of the three girls, was named as Cassy and the tallest named Alice. I kept quite while they chatted and I took an occasional peak at Scott, wondering why I was so attracted to him.

' Earth calling to James, are you inside?', Alice said. Jerking me awake from my daydream I smiled sheepishly at her. 'Yes?' I said.

Then it was her turn to tease me again,'Why were you looking at Scott just now?' she asked in front of our whole group.

'I was not!', I said a little too quickly and everyone including Scott either snorted or snickered. I blushed and caught myself yet again. Wow, this is the first time in a long while I have friends that made me feel this much emotions.

'Oh now you're blushing, too cute.' Katy said. I went a shade darker.

'So, we were asking whether you wanna join us tonight for a movie? There's this great show called Mars! Really scary stuff' Katy said.

'I would rather not', I told Katy. I never really enjoyed going out with people and it would only end up getting awkward.

'No, you're still going. No buts or whatsoever.' Katy said. Wow, she really is pushy. But I gave it a thought and decided to just go with them. I have never been out with anyone before so maybe it would turn out alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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