Birthday !

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Mika's POV :

Yuu and I had a disagreement about our relationship coming out to the world. Yuu wanted to announce that we were officially dating but, I wanted to keep it a secret.... just because I was afraid people would judge me. In the end we were both anger at each other but, my birthday was coming up....

May 1st...

The day I turn 21 which meant 1 more year I lost or one more year closer to death!

"Oye, Mika have any plans?" Akane asked me.

We had become great friends in which she didn't know I was dating her brother.

"Um... Yeah, just thinking about your brother" I said as I smiled and rubbed my cheek.

"Ah! hah~ he can just be a little brat sometimes" She said as she patted my back.

"Yeah... I noticed" I said as I lightly blushed.

I got up from my chair to take the phone call from Shinya. He seemed to be pretty ticked off when I answered.

Shinya: We have a huge problem!

Me: um... what's wrong?

Shinya: Okay, so Guren and I went to a gay bar... Which don't ask why that bar... 

Me: Okay... keep going


Me:......where is this? When did you see this? And can you hold onto Yuu for me while I get there? 

Shinya: I'll send you the address! Just make sure Akane doesn't know!

Me: Okay, see you 

I was angry and ready to kick some ass! I grabbed my car keys and put on new clothes as I rushed out the door without telling Akane anything.

"Damn it, Yuu" I said as I drove there.

I walked inside the club as I searched for Shinya as I heard Yuu's voice.

"Let go off me! " I heard him say as I saw him.

I saw a guy with brown hair and brown eyes trying to kiss my beloved Yuu.

"Hey!" I shouted as he let go off Yuu when we made eye contact.

Yuu ignored me as I rushed to his side.

"Yuu, why are you here? And why with someone else?"I asked him as he stumbled.

"At least I am openly gay, about this and you can't judge me!" He said as I could smell the alcohol reek.

"At least take a mint before you start talking" I said as I handed him a mint.

The guy he was flirting with, had left as he saw us argue.

"Let's not make a big fuss about this" I told him as I grabbed his hand.

"Whatever...." He said as he pouted.

"Ugh... why now? My birthday is tomorrow" I told him as I carried him onto my shoulder. 

It was already almost 11 as I drove to my house. Yuu was busy taking off his seat belt as I was driving.

"Hey put that back on!" I said.

"But, I want to wish you a great birthday!" He said as he started to unzip my pants.

"Hey!" I said while blushing.    

He simply put it in his mouth and start sucking.

"I'm driving, you dummy!" I tried moving his head away.

I heard him slurping and saw him put it all in his mouth.

"Mnh~ I feel like this is rape" I said as I finally parked in the garage.

When my cum was in his mouth I have him a tissue to spit it out but, he swallowed it as I tried escaping from the car.

"Leaving so soon?" He said as I started to turn more red.

"Yuu come on let's go upstairs!" I said while pulling up my zip.

"Fine but, carry me~" He whined.

"Fine!" I said with a smile.

I grabbed him and carried him onto my lap as I rushed up stairs trying to ignore Akane's questions. When I finally made it int my room I dropped him on my bed.

"Yuu, stay there" I told him as I took off my sweater.

" I hate you...." He said as he tried getting up.

"And I love you, cherry boy" I got up on the bed.

"Why don't you want to come out?" He asked me.

I was already on him and kissing his neck.

"Because I will hate if people started stating horrible things about us" I said while kissing his shoulder.

I gave him a hickey on his neck and shoulder and I smirked about it.

"Tell me, that you will tell them about us..." He said while wanting to cry.

"I will tomorrow, crybaby" I said as I looked him in the eye.

"Good" He reached up and kissed me on my lips.

"But, next time you trying flirting with someone else either than me! I'll punish you" I said with a death stare.

"You, yandere" He said while laughing, "Happy Birthday, my everything"

" HUH?" I said while looking at the clock. 

Yeah, this is the best way to start. With someone I love and care about, with Yuu. I promised him that night that I wouldn't hide our relationship no more because it made me look like a dick or jerk. 

1st of May 2004 

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1st of May 2004 

Mikaela Shindo's Birthday

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